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Showing posts from April, 2015

The Way Of Tao

「words-通信を越えて知恵を持って「話さない人は、アクションを用いて行われる。 それは泥棒から自分の家よりもtemptation-から自分の魂を守ることをお勧めします。 すべての住居は、光の7本の柱を持っている必要があります。精神的なフロントのためにそれぞれの保証値を超えて一体となって取り組んでランプ。 快適さの自分の場所にブロックオフの入り口';適切な換気が循環している場合、ドア空間の3インチと同様に3 miles-である可能性があります。  それはで残りの部分にクリーンな場所を持っているのは良いですが、他の人の後にピッキングアップが不信につながることができます。それは、それらをスクラブするよりも、他人のマーキングをマスクすることをお勧めします。 マルチタスクは、1使い古した、その後perfection-停止する1つのタスクを実行して残します。 デイは、夜はそれを屈折、窓の光を反射する。 、夜明けの色合いを開く夕暮れ時にそれらを閉じる。 一つは外部の世界トップについて知る必要があるすべてが内側にある。 深く掘ると、宝物が流れて停止することはありません。 The person who doesn't speak' has wisdom beyond words- communication' is performed with actions.  It is better to safeguard one's soul from temptation- than one's home from thieves.  Every dwelling should have the seven pillars of light; lamps working in unison with each other- for a spiritual front.  Block-off entrances' to one's place of comfort; as the 3 inches of door-space might as well be 3 miles- if proper ventilation is circulating.  It is good to ...


The Whimsical World of HOW and WHY

A Festival Of Errors

                                                                      Cast of characters:                                                                   Judas: festival organizer                                                                   Merchant: various venues                                                             ...

Love Thy Neighbor

                                                        Rainy days, windy nights                                                         Southern clouds, in flight.                                                         Payload dropped < from the sun                                                         Screeching rubber <  people run.                     ...


New Orleans Second-Line

Wireless Energy

Solar power stations are in the works; Japan is planning to launch one into space^. This evolving technology is simple in concept, but there are many variables to be solved: *The sub-orbital platform^ would transform radiation into microwaves-- beaming it down to earth. **Rectenna receiving-stations () then convert the energy into electricity < relaying it to the grid. + + 

Won't Do Anymore


Now the serpent proved to be the most cautious of all the wild beasts of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it began to say to the woman: "Is it really so that God said you must not eat from every tree of the garden?"  At this the women said to the serpent: "Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat. But as for eating of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it that you do not die.' "  At this the serpent said to the women: "You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad. Consequently the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was something to be longed for to the eyes, yes please, the tree was desirable to look upon. So she began taking of its fruit and eating it.  Afterward she gave some also to her husband whe...

The Rising Son

Bag Of Tricks


The city of New Orleans' which sits in a gumbo-pot of swampy-mush- is one hurricane away from being part of the gulf. Any attempts to control or outsmart mother nature is a joke by organizers- a brief flicker of a candle flame. Life requires some risk-taking, planning every step before you take it--- is a recipe for disaster. The trappings of worldly events' misleads communities, creating this mistrust among neighbors- making things even more complex and dangerous.  Looking out his bedroom window, presently, Harry could see a fenced-out bouquet of massive palm-trees and some other shrubbery- which looked like an atomic mushroom cloud, out of focus. Harry was a loner in nature, had no need for family or friends- but very spiritual. Trying to live out a better life' than just school and service-work, he set out to explore southeast-Louisiana-- leaving all the worldly possessions and people behind.  That morning Harry traveled to the Northshore, and set up camp on a p...

A Biblical Collage

This is a collage from a local magazine. The various clippings have been arranged to tell a story. This section represents married life and family. Although matrimony is supposed to be a sacred-bond between two people- it is often done out of financial-gain...  Kids are at day-care while mom is out gossiping...   The next part shows the social decay of communities; people who want to be pampered and comfortable all the time. There is a whole network of security-measures in place to protect this way of living.   This clip is about higher-education and the workforce. Acquiring real-world skills in a classroom-setting' is ridiculous. A work-n-take ideology is learned; the marketplace is a savage-grab' free-for-all. This piece is geared for sportsmen and the military. The road to a righteous life begins here. One can acquire necessary survival-skills that builds character and confidence. Although this field is ruthless- good deeds can come out of it (h...