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A Biblical Collage

This is a collage from a local magazine. The various clippings have been arranged to tell a story.
This section represents married life and family. Although matrimony is supposed to be a sacred-bond between two people- it is often done out of financial-gain... Kids are at day-care while mom is out gossiping... 

The next part shows the social decay of communities; people who want to be pampered and comfortable all the time. There is a whole network of security-measures in place to protect this way of living.
This clip is about higher-education and the workforce. Acquiring real-world skills in a classroom-setting' is ridiculous. A work-n-take ideology is learned; the marketplace is a savage-grab' free-for-all.
This piece is geared for sportsmen and the military. The road to a righteous life begins here. One can acquire necessary survival-skills that builds character and confidence. Although this field is ruthless- good deeds can come out of it (have to cross stormy seas to reach shady-grounds).  
The final phase is: church, god, and the afterlife.  Religion is a good thing to have in your life, but has many flaws. Jesus becomes an icon to many followers, and the true meaning behind scripture becomes lost in the shuffle. Spiritual growth only comes to those who make sacrifices in life, suffer as Christ once did, and has a peaceful childlike innocence about them. +

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