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Showing posts from October, 2016


Large pizza with pepperoni  Use your imagination It's a man-baby! Can't have Google without the breasts That's what he said Plug it in.... Name your newborn after a sub


What does it mean to invite yourself to a party. Naturally, it's a metaphor for something bigger-- but what? Typically, one would infer oneness-- the ability to think for yourself. But, how does one do that when their trapped in a relationship. It's easy, called love-- so let's all calm down. You see these couples everywhere, stores, clubs, restaurants, streets, etc.-- however is individuality being expressed. Who knows, maybe the world needs the married-masses to balance things out. Or maybe they are the weak-- and need to be put in labor-camps?


The socialist-movement formed in the middle of the 20th century. Germany was the location, as the country was going through a depression-- before the Nazi-party took over. There was such joy for the third-reich-- the possible of a better world. Things didn't go as planned, war broke out-- a once peaceful prophecy, turned violent. Work-camps became death-camps, soldiers were slaughtered, and civilians were caught in the middle. The idea to create a super-race was at the forefront, but never materialized. Efforts went to creating weapons, instead of structures. What could of been, if humanity just came together during this era. History wants to remember all the horror-- the good is 'swept under the rug'.  


It seems like our brains are wired-- to automatically label others. No matter what the social-setting is, or what we are doing-- people get categorized. Weather a  family-member or a perfect stranger-- somehow they all get lumped into a stereotype. This is wrong, we as a society need to condition ourselves to stop the insults. What makes a person think they are any different than the next man-- nothing. Is it pure ego, or low self-esteem-- because we are all battling the same problems. Humans are very fragile, that's why we build strong-structures-- to survive. Lets work as community to expand beyond the horizon-- instead of breaking it down.  

Crescent City



Global warming is very real, as there is a record-setting heat-wave this time of year. You don't need a meteorologist to tell you it's hot-- just go outside.  Fossil-burning coal plants and carbon-emissions from automobiles are to blame-- clean-innovations are not keeping up with demand. The masses are very reluctant to go green, but why, shouldn't the environment be priority number one. Extreme temperatures is a warning-sign-- that something isn't right with the planet. People are so caught up with society, and couldn't give a damn about mother-earth. We need to change the way we emit dangerous toxins in the air/water-- and live of this world, not in it.  


Internet advertisement is a fairly new concept, because the web has only been around for a short while. Now you can promote whatever it is your passionate about-- blogs, products, events, ect. Marketing has never been easier, and you don't have to be apart of a large-corporation, to afford it. Social-media allows users to advertise on their sites-- Facebook, Twitter, etc. Adwords is a great tool to reach wider audiences, as websites can handpicked-- where you want the ad to be shown. Simply create a banner-logo, set the daily allowance, and launch it. You will instantly get recognition on a global-scale. Why wait, try it out today, you don't need a masters-degree to do this-- just an idea. 


A great alternative to eating meat-- fish' is loaded with proteins and omega-3's. It is also low in fat-- which can clog arteries. If seasoned right, these aquatic-animals are really tasty-- as they can be fried, baked, and even microwaved. Serve with vegetables and rice-- it can become a complete meal. Fishing is a great recreational-activity, that has many benefits-- mainly free-food. So, weather store-bought, or freshly-caught-- make fish part of your diet.  

Hitting The Streets


The push to explore Mars with humans is a go. Nasa plans on inhabiting the red-planet by 2020, as preparations are in the works for space-flight. Colonization of another world has never been done before, so many precautions have to be considered before the mission can be finalized. One thing is certain, the Martian atmosphere is very hostile, so the right gear and vehicles would have to be tailored-made. The shuttles long journey across the solar-system is another factor, for the craft would have to be stable. No word on the crew yet, however astronauts are in training for the mission.   


The Russian Federation is preparing for battle. In the world of superpowers, this country is certainly on the top of the list. Should the United States be worried, absolutely, for Russian has far more nuclear-weapons and a larger military. One wrong move, and we could find ourselves in another global-conflict-- WWIII. Thanks to diplomacy, the threat is minimal-- but things can quickly escalate. No need to prepare for an atomic-fallout, however with all the media attention on this year's election-- war has been 'swept under the rug'. Will this generation be spared devastation, or is history bound to repeat itself? 


Fall is here, it's time to layer-up with some new threads. Fashion is important, in keeping up with the changing times. Here are some new trends hitting the market. These cloths will keep you warm, but breath at the same time-- absorbing sweat. It contours to the body, making the material elastic in nature. A combination of polyester and cotton is the best bet-- these two fabrics are both durable and hygienic. So stock up now while prices are cheap-- and be ready to tackle whatever life throws at you.       


It seems like everywhere you go, there is excessive talking. It is hard to believe any work can get done with so much chatter. Weather over the phone, or in person-- loud-mouths are everywhere. There should be a day out of the year, where people are forced to be quiet. A simple conversation, can become obnoxious-- very quickly. The universe doesn't revolve around verbal-commands, on the contrary-- it is actions. You are always taught to express your feelings, but maybe that's the problem-- 'wearing your emotions on your sleeve'. The reason there's so much violence in this world, is because of talk-- everyone is in each others business. God bless the introvert, they make the world a better place. 


The push to take down historic statues in New Orleans-- is disheartening. The city won't be the same without them, as they are ingrained in the landscape and culture. Why such the anger over them, isn't there more to worry about-- than monuments. They are a symbol of our heritage, not a sign of oppression-- can't we all just get along. The city-council needs to back off, and so does the African-American population-- because it's not the structures keeping the black-man down, it's the hatred toward the establishment. 


Electric bicycles are the new craze. Getting around town just got easier, thanks to this new technology. On a single charge, you can travel miles on end-- and avoid traffic-jams. Since technically it's not considered a motor-vehicle, under federal law-- the bike is allowed to go off the beaten path. No insurance is required, making it a cheap alternative to owning a gas-guzzling car. Most big-box department stores sell them online, so some assemble is required upon delivery. If your really good with mechanics, buy a motor-kit-- and soup up the old ten-speeder. Help make this a greener-planet, and invest in a e-bike today.  


What makes great music, is it simply a harmonic-riff or so much more. Bands seem to produce the best songs at the beginning of their careers, and then the money and family rolls in-- they go sour. All the legend-musicians, that kept creating hit after hit-- died at an early age. The 60's was infamous for this, the height of sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll-- where musical-culture went mainstream. It was apart of everyday life, people lived for the records-- the budding of a revolution. Today, the touring-scene is 'water-down', filled with one-hit-wonders. One thing is for certain, music can live on forever-- so at least we have that.


Get a PSA blood-test performed, periodically, to see if your Prostate is cancerous. This is a deadly disease that can be prevented, if caught early on. Men over 50 are at an increased risk of being diagnosed with this condition, and if live long enough-- will develop some kind of complications with the testicles. Just like any other cancer, if left untreated-- it can spread to other areas of the body. So, if something doesn't feel right, or are showing symptoms-- visit your local doctor, it just might save your life.


Marvel announced Wonder Woman is bisexual. For all the comic book fans out there, this is good news-- knowing that a superhero prefers both men and women. It makes you wonder, if a woman with superhuman strength has sex-- can ordinary people bring her to orgasm? Either way, illustrations always show them fighting villains-- but never fucking. For most women, their greatest power-- is what's in between their legs. Sexuality can bring a man to his knees, and being a switch-hitter-- now women, too. A good orgy scene featuring both sexes, might help Wonder Woman's image-- because who wouldn't want to see that.