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Showing posts from July, 2011


The Hurricane was organized in a typical fashion, a wisp of wind somewhere over the Ethiopian highlands in early August 2005. As the scrap of weather drifted westward, it picked up a bit of steam and rain until it revolutionized over the Atlantic. In the ensuing days, the loose-band formationā€™ mobilized-- and refueled off the Sun. As the tropical flotilla approached the Bahamas' from the south, it was given a name: Katrina, the eleventh storm of what was shaping up to be an unusually active season. The Mississippi River Delta, over the past 5,000 years, has expanded the Louisiana border "Boot"   into the Gulf of Mexico (30+ miles). However, in the past century, with the rise of Global Warming < that "Rubber-Sole" was quickly fading away. There was no buffer-zone, to protect Southeastern Louisiana- from environmental intruders, anymore; the coastal wetland was home to a rich mosaic of commerce: fish, shrimp, crawfish, oysters, crabs, and sweat...


ļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æ                                                                ...say hello to Mary Jane :)

...just haven't met u yet



I. EMF-Roadways tm   INTRODUCTION: This new method of keeping roads from cracking/sinking will require a total revolutionary approach in the construction process. Using the power of electricity, it is now possible to encompass concrete blocks with induce electromotive fields. This would repel/reflect unwanted vibrations/strains, created by the automobile. STEP 1: Layer the excavated dirt road with impermeable bonded Metallic Foil. This multi-coated material is comprised of a flexible woven ceramic fabric and thin wire mesh, and must be able to with-stand high voltage and magnetism. The main purpose of this sheet is to act as a protective barrier against the harsh elements of the bare ground (moisture, etc.). It will have to cover the entire bottom and sides of the path (fasten with L-shape pins), overlapping the ends. It is important to keep this sheet dry, so if rain is forecasted, cloak it with plastic....
                               THE END