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The Hurricane was organized in a typical fashion, a wisp of wind somewhere over the Ethiopian highlands in early August 2005. As the scrap of weather drifted westward, it picked up a bit of steam and rain until it revolutionized over the Atlantic. In the ensuing days, the loose-band formation’ mobilized-- and refueled off the Sun. As the tropical flotilla approached the Bahamas' from the south, it was given a name: Katrina, the eleventh storm of what was shaping up to be an unusually active season.

The Mississippi River Delta, over the past 5,000 years, has expanded the Louisiana border "Boot"  into the Gulf of Mexico (30+ miles). However, in the past century, with the rise of Global Warming < that "Rubber-Sole" was quickly fading away. There was no buffer-zone, to protect Southeastern Louisiana- from environmental intruders, anymore; the coastal wetland was home to a rich mosaic of commerce: fish, shrimp, crawfish, oysters, crabs, and sweat Crude-Oil.

Meanwhile, Katrina is sitting about 380 miles off the mouth of the Mississippi River. It wasn’t turning east as had been originally forecast. And the most probable place for landfall is now New Orleans. Katrina is growing like Topsy, dropping in pressure, organizing around a massive eye, packing 115-mile-per-hour winds, and taking a late shift to the west... Katrina had continued to grow, becoming a Category 5 superstorm, generating 165-mile-per-hour winds and pushing a storm surge projected to easily swamp the city.

A young family living in a small Lakeview duplex, was monitoring the continuous developments -- on this approaching threat. Both Hank and Judy were in their early twenties, and had a newborn baby daughter named Hailey. Hank met his Fiance' Judy during a Biology Course at the University of New Orleans- where she was student-teaching. It was Hanks last spring semester before graduating, and had actually scheldural the class' at the last minute-- after being advised he needed another science credit, to complete-out the curriculum.  Judy was a transfer from the Miami U. ( her Hometown), Hank was born and raised in N.O

The medical classroom was filled with equipment, specimens, and about 25 classmates: he had five back-to-back classes, with a 1 hour lunch break, every Tuesday and Thursday - this 45-minute Lab being the last one.
 5 p.m. on the first date, Judy strolls in wearing tight transparent' Nursing slacks (which showed her silk' pink panties underneath), and V-cut cotton shirt with no Bra on. Hank was blown away, it was Love at first sight for him, and it only took a few minutes of introductions-- for Judy to feel the same chemistry.

So, throughout the school period, the lovers ate together in the Cafeteria, went to festivals' outside college grounds, and became intimate' orally. Then, on the final day of class, Judy showed up to the biological facility- not to teach, but to mate:
The laboratory had 5 parallel work-desks with stools, stretching the length of the room- and Hank was sitting in the corner of the very last one...
 (The female instructor became very flustered halfway through the course-  she began casually rubbing her clit' with the teaching props; and as Hank was jotting something down' off the projector, Judy scurried-up behind him and pressed her crotch' firmly against his right elbow- she was soaking wet.)
When the area became vacant, the door was locked, and the lab-rats matted; Hank bent Judy over the black-granite platform, pulled down her short-shorts, and ejaculated a dose of semen' into her uterus-- it was the greatest feeling ever!

New Orleans was desperately vulnerable to attack.  The city’s ageing drainage system, an exposed network of out-dated canals and pumping stations--  would constantly back-up' when flushed into the lake and river... There were no preparations to protect off-shore' oil-rigs, or any organized force to defend the city, from within; the growing attitude was— let the “dominoes fall”, and then pick up the pieces later.
The colony has been stuck in that laissez faire mode- ever since WWII ended. The Metropolitan area, had become a continuous pavement of crumbling roads, with two mammoth bridges that run into the middle-of-nowhere (North-Shore) and a Ghetto (West-Bank)... Every other decade, the city erects a wave of monumental structures (high-rises, high-ways, stadiums ), but that momentum always seems to come crashing down-- and back to lack-luster years of service and maintenance; which then spirals into crime and unemployment- because the majority populace don't want to have to do tedious work on a regular basis. There's very little research-innovation going on here, in fact, the only new technology, this U.S. city ever sees < is what comes off the docks from China. be continued

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