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I. EMF-Roadwaystm
INTRODUCTION: This new method of keeping roads from cracking/sinking will require a total revolutionary approach in the construction process. Using the power of electricity, it is now possible to encompass concrete blocks with induce electromotive fields. This would repel/reflect unwanted vibrations/strains, created by the automobile.

STEP 1: Layer the excavated dirt road with impermeable bonded Metallic Foil. This multi-coated material is comprised of a flexible woven ceramic fabric and thin wire mesh, and must be able to with-stand high voltage and magnetism. The main purpose of this sheet is to act as a protective barrier against the harsh elements of the bare ground (moisture, etc.). It will have to cover the entire bottom and sides of the path (fasten with L-shape pins), overlapping the ends. It is important to keep this sheet dry, so if rain is forecasted, cloak it with plastic.

STEP 2: Each metal block will have a length of 12+ feet and width of 8+ feet (however wide the lane is going to be), and must fit snugly within the foiled curb sides. The borders of the square or rectangle will be composed of Iron bars/rails (2 inch W, 8+ inch H) with a diagonal bar in the middle, welded together; as this metal produces the highest yield of electromotance when electrified. A solenoid container must be formed- this can be achieved by wrapping each metallic rod with copper wire (1 inch in diameter) coiling 1/2 inch apart. CU mesh will make up the bottom of the cube-fasten to all four sides of the frame and the middle portion. The Iron and copper metals must be purely casted with a high tensile strength, as to keep the conducting materials from “necking”

NOTE: These EMF parallelograms can be prefabricated in warehouses; to the specifications required for the job at hand- width/length of channels, and the miles of roadways being worked on will determine the quantity of metallic "tiles" needed. 

STEP 3: These panels can be energized by:
Using the electrical grid/lines, these casted crates can be connected- directly to the 240 volt street/utility poles. The connection can be equipped with a timer, to be turned ON during peak traffic hours- dawn to ten p.m.; and OFF the rest of the cycle; and should be shut down remotely if residential or commercial flooding occurs
*There would need to be a coordinated effort between the road workers and utility crews- in all phases of construction.

STEP 4: A new additive will be blended into the cement filling- iron bits/scraps (1/2 inch in diameter). This will further strengthen the concrete bonds.

STEP 5: A thin layer of Asphalt can be laid once the cement cures/hardens. The petro oil slick in the mixture will repel water/moister, and the "black top" layer will absorb energy from the sunlight- creating a "solar lid" helping confine the electric field. Until this step is completed, keep the pavement dry; corrosion will hamper the current. The goal is to produce an airtight, waterproof container.

The Magnetic Question:
There is no doubt a sufficient electric field will build up inside the pavement once energized, but will a continuous magnetic field be able to propagate as well. The claim is magnetic flux cannot materialize inside a closed system, that once the cement is poured into the solenoid- the EMF will dissipate. However, the slab is not self-contained in the traditional sense, so the concrete structure should be able to sustain a surfaced magnetic vortex. *This can be confirmed by flux meter readings.

The many benefits of generating an electric field inside the roadways are twofold:
A) It will solve the immediate problem of keeping streets from deteriorating; which in some cities like New Orleans, begin cracking/sinking in as little as a few months after construction. No more having to constantly patch/rebuild pavements- this method is a one-time fix. The strongest bonding agent out there is electromotive/electromagnetic induction; as long as energy is flowing through all phases of these units- they will not fault.

B) The bigger picture of creating electrodynamic suspension- will pave the way for maglev technologies. Vehicles with built in propulsion coils, could hover along these magnetic roads- making the use of tires secondary.  EMF-Coiled motors would replace the internal combustion engine; making transportation quicker, cleaner, and safer. Of course every roadway/highway across the U.S. would need to be wired/powered with these emf coils, or at least well traveled ones; in creating the necessary opposing field- for levitation. Mag Lev vehicles would move as an “air puck” gliding along a “cushion of magnetism”; and can act more like “bumper cars” during an auto accident- a harmless series’ of “ping pongs”. 

CONCLUSION: The next logical step to improving metropolitan infrastructures across the U.S. is by inducing it with electricity; everything else in between the roadways receives current, so why not power the streets as well. The materials to build these magnetic pavements are plentiful and cost-effective (nothing is rare); and the construction process will take less time than today’s tired conventional means.

II. MagLev Superconducting Highway Systems tm:

A) Upper-Level
The grade-separate neutral grounds, in between major interstates systems (carrying the largest volume of traffic) - should be the future sites of elevated, high-speed MagLev-Expressways. These towering electromagnetic thoroughfares, can be divided up in two sets of two lanes- one going in each direction (north/south; east/west). The sets being further separated by 1) heavy, multi-axles rigs/semis, and 2) regular, light-weight vehicles; as the more massive suspended loads will require step-up magnetism/transformers, along the conducting guideways.
...the highways can be enclosed inside 3+ foot Height of solenoid borders, casted in hard plastic or cement,  connected to the conducting source- to be installed as a horizontal emitting EM source. The borderline perimeter will reflect perpendicular mag lines, from one side of the open road to the other; as the actual enclosed roadway will form a continuous loop of parallel  half- circles, fluctuating around each street lane.

Superconducting Motors: Warp Drive
A) liquid nitrogen or helium cryogenic coolant system

B) alternating transformer <stator-rotor>
C) voltage regulator- rectification assembly bridge- diodes

Solar Power Source
Each slab can be covered and charged using Solar Road Panels; having their own power source, they can be wired directly to the SRP- after being filled and leveled.

B) Lower-Level
Capsules' connected to Mag-Rails < can be used to transport Commerece' at high-speeds (500mph +)


Transportation Reform Bill- Making EMF Roadways a Federal Law
It will require a joint effort between the private sector (road construction contractors, iron welding manufactures, power companies) and government agencies (U.S. Department of Transportation, etc.). The ultimate goal would be a federal law requiring all new concrete transportation systems- to be EMF modified, forcing improvements among state/local municipalities. Getting the general public to back the concept, can be done by the promotion of magnetic pavements, through various media outlets (television, radio, newspapers/magazines)- across the country.
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA)
There is a federal loan program through the U.S. Department of Transportation that extends lines of credit to new road technologies. Funds are dispersed to either state governments or private firms, looking to partake in large-scale innovative transportation projects.

A complete list of road construction companies across the U.S.:

U.S.# 6099796
*This Patent covers any concrete ground or elevated structures using electromagnetic/electromotance current- including foundations, parking lots, roads, highways, and bridges.

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