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     The state of affairs in metropolitan New Orleans-- is at a tipping-point; much like this city, the country is divided. There are those that like the status-que, capitalism-- to which is a failed-system. Crumbling at the core, is an area' that has historically opposed: innovation and beautification-projects; as the infrastructure is in ruins. It's a war on the working-class, as law-enforcement seems content on incarcerating' this segment of the population.

     High-unemployment, along with fraudulent beneficiaries-- has turn the masses' lazy. Weather it's government-hand-outs, or private-lenders; the system has made it to easy for people-- not to work. Instead of living in a society where everyone contributes, portions of communities' just take, take, take....

      Nowhere has Socialism' ever work completely. Nazi-Germany revolutionized industry, at the height of the movement; Orleans' is very much a German-settlement; not only the architecture, but culture' as well. A black-code' was established, banning Jews' from owning businesses in the late 18th century. This cult-like race, has systematically undermined centuries of expansion.

     The problem goes way beyond the Jew, disabled and handicapped persons'-- put an enormous strain on the work-force. Instead of expanding the city, workers are left serving these undesirables. There's no job, someone won't do-- as long as they are getting paid for it. Being poor, and struggling to make a living-- is looked down upon.  

     Government-municipalities try to improve the lives of citizens, but the hell-bent mass-media-- hates politicians. Taxes go towards fighting "crime", rather than new development and maintenance. Louisiana has a long-history of statesmen, who end up in jail. 

     Downtown New Orleans is a mecca for tourism; as foreigners flock here-- from all parts of the world. Again, the service-industry is geared to cater their needs, rather than improvements-- which is why blight' is rampant.


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