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People don't want to work a job, they want to do work; can't create more jobs, if there isn't any work to be done. Politicians talk of job-creation, but have no vision of work; can't create something from nothing-- a nest cannot be built if there are no twigs around? The doing is not the problem, it's that others want it to be done for them-- slave-labor.
Capitalism is a failed system of government, because a large portion of the population is deemed "illegal"-- if they don't have the means to be employ. During socialism, everybody worked-- even the Jew; the rich couldn't hide behind their money-- because it was all distributed equally.
War is a clash of these ideologies. Commodity is produced and shipped-- but to what end; America stockpiles trash so high-- that flat-regions become mountainous, with garbage. This makes for a trashy society-- small groups living lavishly, while others are in disarray.
The masses have lost sight, in the spirit of endeavor. The good are persecuted, while the bad are honored. It's a twisted state-of-affairs, and this generation will decay like the last.

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