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It was a warm winter for 2017, buildings were still sweating from all the humidity. Jude wakes up from a sleep-like comma-- to a reality in of an unknown-state. It was carnival-time in New Orleans-- but everything stood still. The floats weren't moving, and no people in sight. Like a scene out of a graphic-novel-- but no characters! Purple, green, and gold glistered in the bright sunshine, and then faded away under a cloud. Jude stubble's down the narrow-streets, that start to widen' heading southbound. Winding in and out of shops and taverns-- he realizes that no one is around. Beers still cold in their mugs, but it is as if folks simple vanished... The confused man then heads on into a book-store, and discovers a rack of novels-- the title: BACCHUS BOOK OF HORRORS. Suddenly, the young guy starts throwing stuff in frustration.
He blacks-out, awakening to a team of soldiers huddled over him. In fact, it was a pilots-mansion -- and the military was conducting hallucinatory-drugs on him. It was a science-experiment gone wrong.

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