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Showing posts from September, 2016


  Impressionism from a digital photograph, is the new way to paint nowadays. Instead of sitting in front of a scene, outdoors, and painting the landscape-- it is easier to snap a picture, upload it on a computer, and copy the pixel image with colors on a canvas. It's the modern way to mass produce art, in this fast pace world. With global warming and mosquitoes, no artist wants to bear the harsh elements, anymore.


There's a gold toilet at the Guggenheim museum in New York. Apparently, there were crowds showing-up just to use the golden-throne. The big question was the security-concerns surrounding the exhibit, as each moving part is worth a fortune-- the seat alone cost three thousand dollars. Relieving yourself in grand-fashion only cost 15 bucks ahead, an once in a lifetime experience-- so take plenty of selfies.   

Fan Loses Engagement Ring

At Yankee stadium a fan proposes to his girlfriend-- but loses the ring. The crowd is looking for the diamond, which was finally located. Commentators are having a field-day, laughing at the situation-- although had a happy ending. Good for the couple, now you have a good story to tell your kids.  


The influenza is in season, and no one wants to get infected with it. There are ways to prevent the disease from invading the body--  a flu shot, washing hands, and avoiding those carrying it. Contracting the virus is easy, doesn't discriminate, and is hell on earth. It generally last a full week, including symptoms of vomiting, cough, fever, chills, aches, and diarrhea. If your unfortunate enough' to get diagnose with the flu-- drink plenty of fluids, take antibiotics, and rest. The human-body is a fragile instrument, susceptible to ailments-- so take the necessary precautions.    


Monday Night Football is featuring the New Orleans Saints versus the Atlanta Falcons. This is an opportunity to showcase talent on a national scope. As both teams will battle it out for a win, there is much more to this game. Both are NFC south opponents, so division play counts for a whole lot. Set your T.V. to ESPN tonight, and skip the presidential debate-- because what is more American than football. 


Nike is coming out with a shoe that ties itself. The famous footwear seen in the movie Back to the future II-- is now a reality. The laces are connected to a mechanism, which strap' with a push of button. This model is made for runners, but other prototypes are soon to follow. Like any new fad, the price-tag is pretty hefty, so wait a few years when it comes down. The soles are also equipped with LED lighting-- making you visible during nighttime activity.   

Going To The Quarter


This planet revolves around two suns, an extraordinary occurrence in the realm of space discovery. Imagine looking up at the sky, and seeing not one-- but two suns! The alien-star is said to have the necessary atmosphere to sustain life, as humans could inhabit it. The only way extraterrestrials can exist, is if a center of mass' orbits a sun-- an extremely important feat. So, be thankful for that hot ball of plasma-- and remember it all revolves around the sun. 


Major League Baseball is in full swing, and the playoff picture is coming into focus. Who is in, and who is fighting for post-season play. In the AL, the Boston Red Sox look like the favorites, as they have powerful hitters, and good pitching. In the NL, the Chicago Cubs seem to be unstoppable-- with the pedal on the metal. It will be interesting to see the World Series match-up-- for those that care. Even if your team is not in it, well there's always next year.


Bad breath can be a game-changer, fortunately there are ways to help improve the stinky-problem. This can affect your self-confidence, and also the people your around-- nobody wants that. Here are a few products to help improve the situation:  Crest complete scope has micro-crystals in the paste, that will leave the mouth super-fresh. Flossing after meals to get food particles out, can help with the smell A scraper can be used to clean the tongue  Crest pro-health will kill the bacteria 


Gotham is back on t.v., season 3 premiers tonight (Mondays) on Fox. The hit show depicts a clash between villains and heroes-- and who doesn't like that. It is a tale about a city gone mad, with lots of drama and action-- rolled into one, leaving the audience wanting more. Catch earlier episodes on Netflix, to get caught up, but the story-line is so good-- you don't even have to watch them in sequence. There is no better program, so set the DVR or view it live-- because what else is there?   


Football is truly additive, weather it's high-school, college, or pro-- the greatest sport of all time. More than just a competition, it is a way of life; as you can spend the entire week consumed with the activity. America is great because of it, there are no exceptions-- a certain national pride goes with following your favorite team. Some of best structures in the country, are the stadiums-- a bedrock to most U.S. cities. It generates the highest ratings on television, and has the biggest crowds. If you don't like football, then your not a citizen-- think about moving to Greenland.

Canal Street


New Orleans Arcology Habitat is a futuristic-structure, that would sit on the Mississippi river. Deemed a 'floating city' because it could house 40,000 residents, and comes equipped with shops, schools, food courts, theaters, etc. The metropolis would cover 30 million square feet and stand 1,200 feet high-- designed to withstand a category 5 hurricane. No date has been set for construction, but plans are in the works. 


Smoking gets a bad rap, as there are many complications that are associated with the habit. But, lets look at some of the benefits of lighting-up. It can be good if done right; health-expects agree that inhaling tobacco/thc can calm the nerves. Stress is a major cause of deterioration of the body, and a joint/cigarette can help ease that tension. Now, lets look at the brain- chemistry, people that smoke generally are a lot calmer, mentally. There are many things that are bad for you, as well-- meat, medications, pollution, etc. So, give the smoker a break-- life is too short to worry about the what ifs. 


Family is the very fabric of American culture. In these times of hardship, you better hang on to your loved-ones-- or there will be a hard road ahead. However, is the 'full-time family' a healthy thing, relying on others for support? Is it a catch 22 when it comes to relationships-- can't wait to be together, can't wait to be apart? Because there are so many people in this world who want to settle down-- families are here to stay. So, find that perfect someone, marry them, and reproduce. 


Death' has been the theme to these series of books. The Fox T.V. host has published his latest documentary called: Killing the Rising Sun. This is about dropping the atomic-bomb on Japan to end WWII, and tackles the morality of the horrific tactics. The quick read leaves the audience blood-thirsty, wanting more glory-- as Americas obsession with mass-murder' is a problem in itself, not the solution. 


Fake soldiers posing as the real deal-- has swept the Internet. Videos show regular 'joe-blows' wearing military-issued uniforms-- in an attempt to gain respect and free-stuff. This is an insult to the men and women who have fought for this country, risking their lives for our freedom-- stop the fraud.


Thousands of years of civilization, and man is still hanging-on to his cave. The modern comforts of life originated from a hole in a rock, a place the alpha-male could escape from the harsh-elements-- like a nagging-wife. Weather it's a million-dollar renovation, or just a drafty-garage-- respect the man-cave, and the man will respect you.


Clowns have been spotted everywhere in North Carolina. No one knows where they are coming from, but it remains to be seen what their intentions are. Are the costumes an innocent theme to childhood fantasies, or is it much darker than that. No crimes have been committed, and it's not illegal to dress-up-- but neighbors seem to be 'creeped out' by them. However, in an attempt to poke fun at life-- isn't there a clown in all of us? 


Passing gas can be an embarrassing experience, for some people-- especially if it's out in public. As there are many foods that cause intestinal-bloating, like raw-vegetables and dairy, the way you consume them-- can be just as symptomatic. Try drinking while eating, because this breaks down product, also avoid swallowing air while chewing. Digestive-aids and charcoal-pills can help relieve excessive-gas, which can be found at  local-drugstores. If gaseous-problems persist, more serious conditions may be at play, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome and colon cancer-- talk to your doctor, if over-the-counter medications do not work. Tired of living in a cloud of smelly-air-- take action, and save the enviornment.    


A tough looking group of hairy bikers are riding when they see a girl about to jump off a bridge, so they stop. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, "What are you doing?" "I'm going to commit suicide," she says. While he doesn't want to miss an opportunity, so he asks, "Well, before you jump, why don't you give me a kiss?" She does, and it's a long, deep, lingering kiss. After she's finished, the tough, hairy bike says, "Wow! That was the best kiss I've ever had! That's a real talent you're wasting. You could be famous. Why are you committing suicide?" "My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl..." There is transgender contestant in this years Miss America pageant. Can you guess which one it is ?


Mother Teresa was canonized as Saint-- propelling her as a spiritual-icon' in the Catholic-world. During the life of this holy-woman, many accomplishments took place-- ranging from helping the sick to a international-peacekeeper. May she be a symbol of unity for all eternity. Blessing a crowd with the pope Holding a baby in an undeveloped-country Caring for the infected A tour with Princess Diana Accepting the Nobel Peace Prize

Do You Know What It Means, To Miss New Orleans

New Orleans is famous for it's foods. With the creole-tradition of cookery, dating back hundreds of years-- here are some delicious plates that will knock your socks off:  Beignets are fried-dough with a secret ingredient in the mix, topped with powdered-sugar.  Red beans and rice is truly a southern dish, loaded with seasonings and everything nice. Gumbo will get your pallets dancing; a combination of rice, vegetables and seafood. Be ready to be amazed with crawfish-- pinch the tails and suck the heads.


LSU football is back, and this 2016 squad will be prep for a stellar-season. With many starters returning, there is great optimism in this humid air-- for a run at the national-championship. The Tigers travel to Green Bay to take on Wisconsin (today @ 2:30 ABC). 



The hit show Narcos will premier it's second-season, Friday (September 2) on Netflix. A fast-pace thriller, that takes place in Columbia-- is about the underground culture of cocaine-running. Can't wait to binge-watch this series, as there will be plenty of drugs and violence-- the perfect family-setting! So grab so popcorn, roll a joint, and press play.