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While the future is here, it's what we do in the moment-- that defines reality. Mobile-technology is being produce at an all time high, and for the right price-- you can certainly own one or two... Here are a few innovative designs that actually exist in the real world:

Flying cars have been around for a while, but the earlier ones would crash often. These newer models are safe, reliable, and awesome. 

Hoovering automobiles are not on the roads, yet; however, there are tech-companies designing them. Proper EMF infrastructure will need to be built to propel it.

Hoover-boards are no longer a pipe-dream. As they may look dangerous, they are actually pretty safe. The 'flying skateboard' is not on the market-- but will be soon.

A flying-bike is just around the corner. Three turbine-propellers^ lift the machine into the air. 

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