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Now hear this dear mortals, Zeus the God of thunder, has spoken, "Your wicked ways will doom you". America, the great Satan, has waged war on the world. Iraq and Syria are in ruins because of this western-might. 
Rex sits in his noble home in New Orleans, perplexed at all the hatred-- on this earth. "Who will be the next country, to fall to this plague of violence", says he. 
Isis, rosy goddess, tries to spread innocence throughout the land. "Has the child in all of us been spoiled by material things", asks her.
Hilary Clinton, wife of Bill Clinton-- strives to become the next commander-in-chief of the United States; but Donald Trump is set to dethrone those plans.
Mankind has a tarnished disposition about then, backstabbers who talk and do sinful things against their fellow man. 
President Putin, king of Russia, tries to lead a liberation-army across the globe-- but the Gods are not on his side. 
Zulu rests in Africa, trifled by militants, who sour the continent with blood and diamonds. "Where is the brotherly love, are we not above the beasts of the wild", proclaims King Zulu. 
St. Patrick speaks an ole English dialect to his people. "Have ye not learned from the prophets, Saints of today and in the past, persecuted-- for liberating the soul"?
Great ships and airplanes roam the planet, strategizing against each other. "Where is the sense of exploration" declares Bacchus, God of merryment, "will all this end-fighting be the destruction of man as we know it"?
Have we not learned from Jesus Christ, in the great age of Caesar, "Have today's King and Queens become dishearted".
Napoleon, great ruler of the French Revolution-- set out to destroy the evils of Europe. With the help of Atlas, God of maps, he was on a conquest of liberty. 
Sweet Cleopatra, queen of the Nile, spread her love among the people, "The liberated woman, is something to be cherished", says she.
Pegasus, half-horse half-man, has tried to revolutionize transportation-- for the betterment of industry, "Has profit killed the vision of the future", asks he. 
Little Rascal, brings joy to so many in this land-- but is taken as a joke!

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