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It is Carnival time and the masses head out to the streets of New Orleans and neighboring parishes. Families with kids running about, cheers could be heard, as revelers chant "throw me something" at the floats cruising by. Roaming about threw the fury of crowds, block by block, an abstract view of bodies littered the landscaped. Stands of people and ladders stood, as trinkets flew across the atmosphere. Standing still at an intersection watching the festivities roll by, groups of spectators filled their bags with goodies.The parade had symbolic kings and queens, wearing lavish costumes, and everything in between. Knights on horseback throttled up and down the filthy pavement, while loud bands filled the air with merriment. I moved from my current spot, searching for the unknown-- wanting more out of the experience! Trolling through the boulevards, I came upon a thinning of the crowds, near the end of the route. The sea of humanity was never-ending. 
Anxiety soon crept up upon me, as I didn't know what to do with myself. Suddenly, like God had kissed the earth, there was a figure of a woman that was mesmerizing. She was stunning in all aspects, a perfect specimen of the human genome. I could not keep my eyes off her-- childlike with a aura of sophistication. She was the woman of the crowd. 

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