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City Park Chronicles

The alarm clock sounds at 7:00 a.m., as it routinely does every morning before work. I was a NOPD detective, and my wife sleeping next to me, was a nurse at the new downtown VA hospital. We both had similar job schedules, so we awoke at the same time. "What do you want for breakfast, hun" she asks in a sleepy tone. My wife was beautiful, with long blond shaggy hair, she would tie up in a bun before putting on a purple docker uniform. We rarely spoke in the morning, as we were always rushing to get to the job site.
I head out the door to the police station located in city park, which was a five minute drive from our home in Lakeview. The station was located on an acre of land tucked away in the shady park. The station was fully equipped with the latest technology, and had horse stables. "How's it going, Jim", was the routine greeting, as I entered the main building on this overcast day. "Better than I deserve" was my typical response. I would spend most days trying to solve cold cases, as this region of the city was filled with theft and home invasions.
On my third cup of coffee, suddenly there was a call from a 911 operator, claiming someone found a dead body, on one of the park trails. It was just after 9:00 a.m., when I hop in my service vehicle and headed to the site. Upon arriving at the scene, I could see it was a young women with curly brown hair, laying half naked in a pool of blood. She was faced up along the edge of the swamp water, mangled and cut up. "This is your typical rape and murder" explains one of the paramedics, huddled over the body. After observing the women closer, she appeared to be a jogger, by the running cloths. After placing the dead women on a stretcher, I noticed moist tissue wedge in her crotch-- she was in the act of peeing before being attacked. The lady was transported to a nearby hospital for autopsy. News crews were soon at the murder site asking questions. "Is this ruled a homicide", reporters aggressively asked.
It is now 6:00 p.m., as the coroner calls me down to the hospital. I arrive to a room where the dead women was being examined. "Our findings point to an animal attack, possibly an alligator." The sliced flesh was in fact teeth marks, not caused by a human or a knife. 

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