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These are tales------ of the seven deadly sins. Each story happen in real life------- but the settings and characters are fictional. Grab a seat-------and enjoy.

Deuces Wild: Wrath

A young couple' heads to the Fairgrounds-racetrack, after inheriting a large sum of money-- from a recently' deceased family-member. The plan' was to bet five-thousand dollars, on the favorite horse-- Deuce's Wild' who was on a winning-streak. Unfortunately, the public had little knowledge on the condition of the thoroughbred-- as the animal had sustained an injury' to one of it's legs. The gates open, the pony's make their way around the ring--  there are many upsets at the finish line' Deuce's Wild didn't even finish the race. Moans and groans from spectators' all around; as losing-tickets now' litter the stands. 
The women, was slamming-down one drink after another' while on anxiety medication-- and was obviously distressed when returning from the bathroom: she yells "a man in a brown suit groped me". Security, was called and a police-report' was made-- but their was no sign: of the perpetrator. As the disgusted-couple walks back to their vehicle, the female screams again-- "that's him"... pointing at a man' fitting the description. The boyfriend tells her to go wait in the car, and follows the man-- in the parking-lot... and starts beating him' tell unconscious. The enraged couple, speeds off the grounds--- and heads up' Esplanade Ave. The women, then points to another man--- walking on the sidewalk' and says "that's him". 

Mama Nevermore: Pride

A man shows up to his family's home in old-Metairie, claiming he was in New York on a business trip the past two year's. He continually sent e-mail's to his mother during this tenure, but there has been no reply. The man didn't always get along with his mother and sidings, thinking he was better fit to control the estate, and investments. Upon entering the house, the sister and her husband greeted him and asked, "what are you doing here"? "I've come to see how mother is doing, she hasn't returned my calls!" With a perplex look, the husband says "your mother died two years ago." "What", the man replies, "of what!?" With an awkward pause, the sister says, "of a heart-attack". 
The man' storms up to his mother's bedroom, not believing a word of it-- but there is no sign of her anywhere. Realizing' the house, was left to his sister-- the man heads out to see the family lawyer. "It was I who built the family fortune, and now I get nothing", declares the man; "your mother's will had only your sister's name it, when she passed away of a stroke", rebukes the lawyer. "I thought, it was of a heart attack", the man barks back. He then goes to the coroner, to get to the bottom of things; they told him she had died of cancer, and was buried in Lakelawn cemetery. 
The man, heads to his mother's tomb---- feeling he had been scammed out what was rightfully his. Upon arriving, his sister was there with flowers---- praying over the burial. The man demanded that his sister tell him the truth, "How did mother die?" The sister comes clean, "the story of her death of natural causes was a cover up so others wouldn't get upset." "So, how did she die?" the man asked in hysteria. "The truth is, you were not in New York the past two years you were at Jackson Mental Hospital and she was killed accidentally." "By who", the son asks nervously. The daughter replies, "by you."

Cafe' Du Monde: Gluttony

The New Orleans tradition' of coffee and beignets is the bedrock of southern flavor, and hospitality in this city. The 24-hour cafe' has been going strong for over a century, a landmark for locals to dine. Right before dawn, the restaurant is virtually empty' Ted wonders in from a storm that is brewing outside. The staff knows him by name, as he is a frequent' guest here. This particular morning, he seems on edge-- as he is being followed be a loan shark. Betsy, the waitress takes his order-- "the usually Ted". "Yes, Betsy, and do me a favor, don't tell anyone-- I'm here." Ted, makes a living gambling, and eats out everyday-- but debt has caught up with him and can't repay. 
In comes Willie, "there you are you bum you owe me 10 G's"-- and shows the butt' of his gun. Ted replies, "I don't have your money"-- then brandishes' his gun. The two, are in an old fashion stand off-- one waiting, for the other to draw first. Betsy, comes running in with the order-- "stop it, there is no need to fight over money." "Yes there is, this worthless scum-- owes me big time," hollers Willie. 
The two sit right across from each other, eating breakfast---- eyeballing each other intensely. Intent on making it their last meal, Ted suggest they draw on the next food timer---- that beeps. As they are both standing across from each other, with their hands on the gun-- Betsy cries, "y'all don't need to do this there's no need for violence." But the two are ready for the battle horn to sound, and intent on killing-- for their freedom. Just as' one of the kitchen timers is winding down...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...the electricity goes out, from a strong gust of wind. The two' decide it was fate.................................and settle their differences, peacefully. 

Garden District Murder: Greed

In uptown New Orleans, there is a quaint' but expensive area of town called the Garden District, known for it's lavish flower beds and historic mansions. Tom, comes home from work' and informs Trisha, that he had lost his job as a broker. With mounds of bills to pay, including a mortgage, panic was in the air--- as the married couple was searching for answers. "You could just get another job," explains Trisha, "it's hard to find work--- a man of my age" replies Tom. 
He then suggest, that they scheme the life insurance company--- out of the $500,000 policy. "How the hell, are we suppose to do that--- we're both alive" Trisha says in a harsh tone. "It's simple, you could simply disappear" Tom counters with a devilish look' on his face. His plan, was to trick the insurance agents' into believing that his wife was dead. "You could simply go on an extended vacation," a scheming Tom reveals. "Lets do it," a hesitant Trisha finally gives in. 
Seven long years had gone by without seeing each other, it was now time to collect the five-hundred grand prize. Trisha shows up at the uptown-house, two days before the check is suppose to arrive. "I want a divorce, Tom, I have moved on with my life' and found someone else," Trisha demands. "What, the money is going to arrive any day, now, and you want to back out' at the last minute", Tom enraged. "Yes, I'm going to tell' the insurance company that... I'm alive," Trisha heads for the door "No, your not' your dead... your dead" Tom starts clubbing her in the head----- with the butt' of a brass candle-holder..... until death. He then drags her body----- into the back-yard' and buries the remains..... in a garden. 

Carousel Bar: Sloth

A father and son, had just arrived at the Hotel Monteleone-- from a safari' in South Africa. The father was feeling ill, on the plane ride over-- and his condition' was worsening upon landing. A doctor was called to the room, after checking in........ and the son was sent out to Walgreen's, for medication. 
Heading back to the suite, the son attempts to open the door-- but the key won't work. So he heads back down to the lobby, and to the front desk and tells the concierge-- that the room key stopped working. He is then informed' that the card had expired, and there is no record of him' staying at this hotel. "That's impossible' I just checked in an hour ago, their must be some mistake' my father is in our room with a doctor" the son explains in disbelief. "You must have the wrong hotel, it happens all the time" the concierge replies in a monotone. "The room number is 228, and I'll show you this is the correct place" the son rebukes. They head up to the floor, and go into the room; but it's empty, his father is gone. 
In hysteria, the son walks to the local police station-- to file a missing person's report. A detective, is assigned to the case and they head back to the Hotel for answers-- but the staff all claim they have never seen him before. "I can prove that I was in that room, I hid a large sum of cash under the mattress" the son says in an impatient tone. So they head back up to the room, and sure enough the stash is where he said it was. Just then, a CDC official comes in--- and says that his father had died of the Ebola-virus; we had, to cover our tracks--- to prevent panic.  

Royal St.: Revenge

Jill, an antique designer by trade, is nervous because a mob boss she ratted out to federal agents--- has just been released from prison. She is certain, he will come looking for her, and sure enough--- shows up to her apartment one evening. "I just spent 18 months rotting in a jail cell, because of you," says the mobster in a vengeful voice. Jill rebukes, "I had no choice but to turn you in, the feds were threatening me." The gangster didn't come by to kill her thou, but to offer her a business proposal, "I will front the money to start any store of your liking." Jill look confused, "you want to help me, start a shop?" 
So, Jill furnishes an abandoned antique shop on Royal St.--- and opens the doors' to customers. The business relationship, seems too perfect--- an ex-con suddenly wants to help' a person who locked them up. The two are on best of terms, until one evening after hours, inside the shop----- the mobster shows up to confront the women. He pulls out a gun, and points it at her, saying "now you know how it feels to have success, and then lose it suddenly"----- he then pulls the trigger.

Temptations: Lust

Billy is a frequent patron of the Bourbon Street strip-club scene--- as he indulges in female companionship' quite often. A well know ad-executive in the CBD--- he is known around the community' as a playboy and big spender. Club hopping until two in the morning, he decides to call it a night, and head back home. Drops the top, in his flashy red Mercedes and jams to some tunes, on the drive up Canal Street. Spotting a check-point, up ahead' he pulls off into a bad- neighborhood. Speeding threw the crumbling-streets, he loses' control and slams into a utility- pole. 
Billy is instantly paralyzed from the waist down, and becomes prime pickings' for vandals. After a few hours wedged inside his car, paramedics arrive and he is rushed' to the hospital. Billy, will never get it up' again.  

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