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                                             CAST OF CHARACTERS:

                                         Bacchus-- God of grape-harvest
                                         Endymion-- King of Olympia 
                                         Caesar-- Roman-general
                                         Zulu-- African-king
                                         Rex-- King of carnival
                                        Cleopatra-- Pharaoh of Egypt
                                        Iris-- Princess
                                        Pegasus-- Horse-god
                                        Pontchartrain-- Urban-planner
                                        St. Patrick-- Apostle of Ireland
                                       Carrollton-- Uptown-professor
                                       Atlas-- Titan of astronomy
                                        Napoleon-- Emperor of France

                                                      ACT I
 Scene I--   Sports Arena:

Endymion.  Watch the thoroughbreds-- scrap for the trophy; it's the big-named horse-- that's making groceries.
Rex.  God-bless the ladies-- and all;  watch your step-- don't fall.
Zulu.  Uniforms of armor-- a pigskin-spear;  tribal-sport-- modern-atmosphere.
St. Patrick.  Tackling each other-- for a big-hit; get up to the line-- lickedy-split.
Iris.  A winners-- game; when you start to lose-- chase the fame!
Pegasus.  A national football league-- indeed; astro-turf-- causes injuries!
Zeus.  Teams take their side-- of the field;  fans take their seat -- what a deal.
Carrollton.  Who Dat!-- True Dat!-- cause' we that do that !!

Scene II--  Jazz Club:

Bacchus.  The best things in life: wine.
Endymion.  Music reminds me of a simpler: time.
Rex.  It transcends through the genesis, of grace; weather man is living in a cave, or outer-space.
Carrollton.  A life of merriment; playing brass instruments.
Zeus.  Painting a canvas-- with bolts of sound---play it loud-- shake the ground.
Iris.  Viva New Orleans-- drinks, smokes, and showgirls; better slow-down buddy-- or your going to hurl!
Zulu.  The trombone' has a low pitch; blow it loud' like your  stuck in a ditch.
Pegasus.  Music reflects universal themes-- year of the dragon-----somebody scream!!!
St. Patrick.  Pluck and luck.... in this squirrel-cage; the wooden-taverneer.... drips golden-sage.

Scene III--  A Ball:

Pegasus.  Origins' of ceremony-- lots' of wealth-- lots' of alimony.
Bacchus.  Remember when formal-occasions' use to be fun; but now you can't wait' to get back out in the sun.
Endymion.  Kingdoms' revisited-- in a dome, or until' you go-- back home.
Zeus.  A queen' rides in a float-- to the street-bend; the clock strikes midnight-- fairy-tale ends.
Zulu.  The men' in their black and white tuxes-- look like  zebras; drinking' champagne--  chasing beaver. 
Rex.  Social-event of a classic-zero; cartoon-characters and comic-book heroes.
St. Patrick.  New Orleans' ballroom-caron; there's a snake' wrapped around the royal- baton. 
Iris.  Yes please... to all that Jazz; lets dance... don't be a spaz.
Pegasus.  Unicorns and sphinx's-- all around; handing-out gift-baskets-- and plastic-crowns.
Atlas.  The world of Atlas-- is a ball; come back next year-- in the fall.

Scene IV--  French Quarter:

Endymion.  Americas most interesting city; a high-dose of culture makes one giddy. 
Bacchus.  Drink enough red-juice, a face appears in the bottle; call a taxi, don't hit the throttle.
St. Patrick.  Wherever you go- whatever you do- may good St. Pat- watch over you.
Pegasus.  City... of song... I hear the church bells ring...ding...dong.
Rex.  A celebration' for the public-good--- the curtains' are open enjoy the-hood.
Zulu.  The African-gorilla' runs the streets; watch out for pedestrians'  crossing-peeps.
Carrollton.  There's a historic-float--- called Bourbon Street--- get a lucky-dog--- you got to eat.
Zeus.  The calliope' shoots bolts of steam' in the air; creating' a festive-feel' hard to bear.
Iris.  Happy-landings, in this ole part of town--- get on with your bad-self, get on down.

Scene V--  Halloween:

Bacchus.  Lust inside your head, whore on your bed.
St. Patrick.  May you be in heaven one hour, before the devil knows your dead.
Atlas.  The steam-boat-- makes spooky-waves.
Endymion.  Fables and folklores-- on this bayou-stage.
Pegasus.  With these hands, I become--- got candy, you want some.
Iris.  I wear a Coronation-gown' on Halloween.
Zulu.  I prance around' like an African-queen.
Rex.  I will become an astronaut... a tribute to space-craft... oh- no... heard a rip... feel a draft.
Zeus.  Cycle around in a suit and hat--- burn off the calories--- burn off the fat.

                                                       ACT II:
Scene I--  The Movies:

Bacchus.  Lights, camera, action.
Endymion.  Golden reflections, all the factions. 
Cleopatra.  Queens and enchantresses-- throwing a fit.
St. Patrick.  I'm looking over a four-leaf clover-- a blockbuster hit.
Pegasus.  All this talking, is making me sick.
Zulu.  The one about an African-leopard, very violent-flick.
Iris. Your hometown-newspaper--- has good ratings' on file.
Rex.  Kings and queens' of fantasy--- jokers-wild. 
Atlas.  If no story-line is told' the experience-- becomes a bore.
Carrollton.  Golden-years' on the silver-screen-- let the Oscar's soar.

Scene II--  Comic-Con:

Bacchus.  Let's play, with action-figures
Rex.  Twice-told tales, can't get any bigger. 
Endymion.  A salute to superheroes-- hope that pleases her.
Cleopatra.  Ship off some gifts-- to Caesar. 
Iris.  I wore,  gold-n-red attire' to a bridal-shower--- but, it didn't give me' any super-powers.
Zulu.  The giraffe has great powers-- it's field-of-view.
St. Patrick.  When danger approaches-- I say "top of the morning to you". 
Atlas.  My mask is cracked-- got any glue?

Scene III--  The Circus:

Bacchus.  Let's go to the circus-- look at that banner.
Cleopatra.  The big-top-- is even grander.
Rex.  A traveling-band, with imagination.
Zulu.  The Bengal-tiger, a wonder of creation.
St. Patrick.  A little bit of heaven on earth.
Endymion.  Great American discovery a celebration of birth.
Carrollton.  Ladies and lovers tune in to the greatest show on turf.
Atlas.  World of make believe' wish it could go on forever.
Pegasus.  Become one with the animals'  a humbling endeavor. 

Scene IV--  Independence Day:

Endymion.  Hail to the chiefs. Hot-dogs and beef.
Atlas.  Great moment in history. The 4th of July. 
Bacchus.  The spirit of America. Let's get high.
Pontchartrain.  In this land of: war and sin.
Zulu.  The bobcat is near extinction much like: the American Indian. 
St. Patrick.  The pot of gold' at the end of the rainbow' is a big mansion-- in the garden district.
Cleopatra.  Got mud' on my slippers-- I need a stick. 
Pegasus.  It was Fort McHenry........ that kept the invasion at bay........the English could not make the turn........hey!
Rex.  A jazz-band' plays the Star Spangle Banner--- a New Orleans' tradition.
Carrollton.  "We The People"--- "was a great addition".

Scene V--  Observatory:

Atlas.  Movie-madness-- in outer-space.

Endymion.  It's a small world after-all-- the human-race.
Rex.  Look to the stars' with one hand, map out the universe, with the other.
Bacchus.  Live, happily' with your, cosmic-brother. 
Cleopatra.  Symphony of the cosmos--- God's universal design. 
Iris.  To captains and explorers--- give me a sign!
Pegasus.  Reflections' of constellations-- can be seen soon.
Zulu.  A dog' howls-- at the moon.
Pontchartrain.  Super-friends, super-foes, super-novas,  black-holes.
Zeus.  Astrology-landmarks' are in ruined-- no need' to be a suing.
St. Patrick.  The collection of planets--- bless them all--- the big--- the massive--- the very small.
Carrollton.  The toys of mankind-- have discovered planets;  telescopes are priceless-- don't take it for granite.  

                                               ACT III

Scene I--  Museum: 

Pegasus.  Venetion-adventures--- on the third-floor.

Rex.  The masters-paint the outside world--- with no-door. 
Atlas.  Classics of literature-- gave birth to Impressionism. 
Bacchus.  Monarchs on the wall-- pure professionalism.
Pontchartrain.  Love makes art, come to life.
Endymion.  Sad portrait, scenes of blight.
Zeus.  Sterling-silver-- reflects a crown.
Cleopatra.  Abstract landscapes-- upside-down.
Zulu.  Artifacts of the gator' appear like: T-Rex.
St. Patrick.  The capturing of a Celtic' miracle: a hidden X. 
Carrollton.  Four-seasons' can be lived-- inside a museum. 
Iris.  To the En-Masque' exhibit-- don't need a reason.

Scene II-- A Park:

Endymion.  Where grown-ups' can be kids, and kids' can be kids.

Pegasus.  A story' is told, under nature's-lid.
Cleopatra.  The road to high-priestesses-- begins in a park-- it's nature's circus-- after-dark.
Pontchartrain.  The wild west' in this oak field'  there's enough scraps on the ground' to make a meal.
Rex.  His majesty' garden grows-- a bouquet of flowers.
Zulu.  The coon' takes refuge-- in a shady tower.
St. Patrick.  Buzzards in flight--- don't put up a fight.
Bacchus. I scuba-dive' in the swamp--- you want' to romp? 
Iris.  The world' of travel- I hear them bark.
Atlas.  Our first decade' as a civilization- was a park.

Scene III--  Theater:

Endymion.  A parade' is on the Broadway-stage.

Bacchus.  A half' fast band of actors-engage.
Cleopatra.  Vanity' of fragrances.... in the air.
Pegasus.  Innocence' makes.... for a great dare.
Caesar.  Hail to the heroes, play-writing' revolves around them.
Zeus.  Stories for the young, at heart' tales of him.
Rex.  Flora of the realm-- a harvest of funk.
Zulu. Theatrical animal's-- with a lot spunk.
St. Patrick.  A junction' for the royals--- diamonds all around.
Carrollton.  Great theater' should feel like a holiday--- never bound.
Pontchartrain.  Happy-days and good-plays.
Iris.  Strike up the band! The crowd is gay.
Atlas.  To be.....or not to be....southern voyage.... to the bottom of the sea.

Scene IV--  Church:

Bacchus.  The old testament was written--- on stone tablets, then translated--- out of habit.

Endymion.  The heartbeat of America-- God and country.
St. Patrick.  The passing of sacrament--  kind of funky.
Cleopatra.  I usually show up to mass' in Camelot; slip it on in the' parking-lot.
Rex.  The angle' casts his grace---- upon the righteous one,  stay poor---- live like a bum. 
Zeus.  Nations go to war' over religion-- those are the days; it's a changing line' of hostility-- go astray.  
Caesar.  Divinity, of a holy-kind.
Zulu.  The dove is a spiritual symbol, very-fine.
Pontchartrain.  The winners' of divine awakening...... are the Mormons' baking?
Napoleon.  Gospel should be echoed throughout the temple--- it's that simple.
Iris.  Religion is too serious--- faith should be fun.
Atlas.  Biblical stories of enchantment--- follow the sun.

Scene V--  Library:

Endymion.  A resurrection' of literary-treasures. 

Bacchus.  Heroes found' in the biography-section.
Cleopatra.  Pyramids of a library: Broadway with books.
Pontchartrain.  Lets sail off with: Captain-hook.
Atlas.  I head, to the library to read..... say man, you got any weed?
Caesar.  Book-isles and roller-deck files.
Pegasus.  America's singing' inside this quiet-place....... just found' an ace. 
Rex.  Bourbon Louisiana--- New Orleans containment.
Zeus.  A good novel--- now that's entertainment.
Zulu.  Unknown species-- in western zoology.
Carrollton.  Wonders of the nature-- peak my folly.
Napoleon.  I salute Louisiana, and all it's glory.
Iris.  30 years of happiness, is my life's story.
Atlas.  Great American landmarks-- in this nation, but most just see it-- as a vacation.

                                                  ACT IV

Scene I--  Symphony:

Iris.  Welcome to our whirl-- of choir.

Rex.  The harp of Psalms-- your hired.
Atlas.  Our planet-earth, is a symphony of culture.
Pegasus.  It's a love-boat of sounds, surrounded by vultures.
Caesar.  Happily' ever after-- a musical show.
St. Patrick.  I'd walk' a million miles-- to kiss a hoe.
Cleopatra.  Journey of heavenly-bodies--- a composition of the soul.
Sparta.  L'Opera was a french-house--- now it's a hole.
Pontchartrain.  Lets play games' with instruments-- like Bollywood. 
Zeus.  Hooray' for Opera-- hooray for Hollywood.
Bacchus.  I present' Jewels of Zodiac-- a piece' of higher-power.
Endymion.  Wish' this place-- had' a shower.
Zulu.  The monkey-- is a lover of rhyme.
Carrollton.  Like a Coronation ball-- but with a fine.
Napoleon.  My menagerie-- is of song-birds; they all poop-- runny white-turds.

Scene II--  The World's Fair:

Carrollton.  A scrapbook.... of this fair.
Endymion.  The sands of time.... are in the air.
Iris.  Great' events occur..... out of means.
Bacchus.  Rivers' of the world unite..... in New Orleans.
Cleopatra.  I herald' the World's Fair, it's a sight of amazement.
Napoleon.  Heroes' at the core, of this global engagement.
Atlas.  Centaurs, and dragons... do you dare?
Caesar.  Ages of man... trains, planes, and fairs.
Rex.  The world's exposition' floats, like a helium balloon--- above the crescent stage.
Zeus.  Louisiana' welcomes, the world--- engage. 
Zulu.  Mr. Mudbug' stirs the pot--- on the Gulf coast; cooks' primates--- like a roast.
St. Patrick.  Happy you are, and happy you'll stay-- for today, is your lucky day.

Scene III--  Mardi Gras:

Endymion.  Come to the Mardi Gras, I'll be laughing like a clown-- no time for sadness, no time for frowns.
Napoleon.  Here comes the marching' band.
Bacchus.  The floats' are grand.
Caesar.  Tell' me a story.... O' carnival krew.... the one' about the owl... hoo.
Rex.  The marines' are at the head-- of the parade.
Cleopatra.  The sweet' smell of victory-- laissez les bon temps rouler.
Pontchartrain.  Fantasies' come to life--- imagination' gone adrift.
Iris.  A toast' to the joys of living--- may you be showered' with gifts.
Pegasus.  Astronauts' are watching carnival...... from' the moon. 
Zeus.  People' are having fun...... especially' the groom.
Zulu.  Louisiana' know's how to throw-- a good-feast.
St. Patrick.  Every' man a king-- the inner-beast. 
Atlas.  The infamous' line-up, to see---- Mardi Gras; show-me' your tits, take off your bra.

Scene IV--  Fortune-Telling:

Napoleon.  Fortunes' tell of-- earthly' delights.
Endymion.  The gypsy' says-- in a cloud' of light.
Rex.  A fortune teller' gives me a reading: life of debt.
Carrollton.  The best' of everything: no regrets.
Bacchus.  Enjoy, all New Orleans has to offer--- then, hands you a bill.
Pontchartrain. Tarot card, readings--- that lead, to a spill.
Cleopatra.  A pretty girl' like melody-- live's in the now.
Iris.  Paradise' is within-- take a bow.
St. Patrick.  Fight like there's no tomorrow..... I, just walk away.
Zeus.  It's worth dying for..... wait, what did I just say.
Zulu.  Savages' live in the past-- they have no goer. 
Pegasus.  The future' is unknown-- nevermore.

Scene V--  The Bank:

Carrollton.  Drive thru banking..... an American-fold.
Rex.  The lure of..... fools-gold.
Bacchus.  A vision of riches--- how divine.
Endymion.  I'd rather be outdoors--- than waiting in line.
Iris.  Sale banners, everywhere...... enticing you to spend.
St. Patrick.  When they had it finish, sure...... they called it a sin.
Rex.  Money' the root of all....... deadly hits.
Zulu.  The panther' is rich....... nothing can catch it.
Atlas.  Life lingers on....... with or without a deed.
Pontchartrain.  The magic kingdom of commerce....... pure greed.

                                                     ACT V
Scene 1--  The Barber Shop:

Rex.  Fabled gods is the look, everybody wants to see.
Iris.  You are what you, set out to be.
Pontchartrain.  I go' wild......... in a hair saloon.
Caesar.  Come fly' with me to the barber-shop..........then up in a balloon.
Bacchus.  Brown-locks and grape-vines-- is my dew
Zeus.  Kartoon-kaleidoscope- threw and threw.
Zulu.  Do you accept..... buffalo nickles.
Endymion.  Don't let society..... shape your fickle.
St. Patrick.  I got a green cap-- no need for that.
Carrollton.  Cities are defined by grace-- not crap.

Scene II--  Car Show:

Endymion.  What once was-- is no more.
Bacchus.  Times are a changing-- what a snore.
Caesar.  Main-street parade' of ingenuity.
Iris.  Super-highway' commutery.
Pegasus.  Show-vehicle's--- what a steal.
Rex.  Aluminum-trophy's--- on wheels. 
Zeus.  And in the center-ring---- monster-trucks.
Zulu.  Social-aid and---- pleasure-bucks.
St. Patrick.  Shady-lady----- likes to sin.
Carrollton.  Parking-lots and----- garbage bins.

Scene III--  The Zoo:

Rex.  Love them, birds.
Bacchus.  The dove of peace, haven't you heard?
Caesar.  The chimp' escaped from it's cage!
Iris.  An end' to primal rage!
Pegasus.  They all asked..... for you.
Zeus.  The white alligator..... really grew. 
Zulu.  Ugandan warriors' of dance.
Endymion.  A show of animals' that prance.
Carrollton.  Memories' of people-- remind me' of them.
St. Patrick.  This is your day-- let's do' it again.

                                               THE END.

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