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Snake in the grass

In an era before Christ, humanity was at constant war with itself. There was a race of journeymen, known as the Aryan, who had wandered into a village in the land of Eden. They were superior craftsmen and had invented a wagon on wooden-wheels. The townspeople had never seen such a contraption before and were at awe of the rolling-cart. A band of crooked-nose, big-ear people, known as the Jew, approached the travelers and offered them a bag of gold-coins for the device. The exchange was made and the drifters went about town, living like royalty- until the money ran out. They were thrown-out of establishments and expelled from the grounds; left with nothing, they became enraged and decided to build an arsenal of weaponry. Upon completion, the warriors returned to the community and conquered it. With everything at their disposal and the people at their will- they looked around at one another and asked, "what do we do now" ? 

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