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 Life to this point has been a roller-coaster of trials, tribulations, and joys. Hate had consumed me in the early stages of existence. Constantly analyzing groups of people, losing focus on the moment and God's will. The Devil would corrupt my mind with negative-thoughts < which spiraled into violent-acts. Learning to take orders from others* had been my downfall, always quick to give one < but would resist commands with force. Incarceration was the result of this mental-illness.
   Imprisonment was a new challenge for me, dealing with the hardships of confinement, and not knowing the extent of the stay. Finally, the gift of freedom was delivered to me on the 10th day of lock-up-- the judge ordered a 2 year probation.. but it never really ends... Rehabilitation would be the next course of action: attending AA-meetings, therapy-groups, etc... Until one afternoon "Jesus" came knocking at my door- it was the sister-missionaries!
   The brotherhood of the Mormon religion had put me on a spiritual quest for peace; bringing me closer to the eternal-father, and giving one a greater purpose in this world. Charity- work around the community would be the calling: doing tasks out of love and staying humble about it. Knowing it is o.k. to isolate oneself-- for the greater good of self-discovery. 
   A seat in heaven is waiting for us all, the time to repent is now. I say this in the name of Jesus. AMEN.

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