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Virtual Instruction Guide

                             HOW TO MANUFACTURE EMF-PANELS

Each metal block will have a length of 12+ feet and width of 8+ feet (however wide the lane is going to be), and must fit snugly within the foiled curb sides. The borders of the square or rectangle will be composed of Iron bars/rails (2 inch W, 8+ inch H) with a diagonal bar in the middle, welded together; as this metal produces the highest yield of electromotance when electrified. A solenoid container must be formed- this can be achieved by wrapping each metallic rod with copper-wire (1 inch in diameter) coiling 1/2 inch apart. CU mesh will make up the bottom of the cube-fasten to all four sides of the frame and the middle portion. The Iron and Copper metals must be purely casted with a high tensial strength, as to keep the conducting materials from "necking"
*These EMF parallelograms can be prefabricated in warehouses; to the specifications required for the job at hand- width/length of channels, and the miles of roadways being worked on will determine the quantity of metallic 'tiles' needed.

This is a four-block series of EMF panels' wired together (24''L, 16''W < 2 lanes). The magnetic system can receive it's power-source from electric-grids (street-poles, underground cables, etc.).

An alternative power-source would be Solar Road Panels

The 6 steps to building EMF/SOLAR Roadways
STEP 1:  Excavate city roads (gut the streets)

STEP 2:  Layer the excavated dirt road with impermeable metallic foil. This multi-coated material is comprised of a flexible woven ceramic fabric and thin wire mesh. It will have to cover the entire bottom and sides of the path (fasten with L-shape pins), overlapping the ends. It is important to keep this sheet dry, so if rain is forecasted, cloak it with plastic

STEP 3: Installing the magnetic chambers/solenoids on top of the foil, connecting the EMF blocks to one another, surfacing the connecting-plugs, then testing each unit for continuous flux

STEP 4:  The cement is now ready to be poured into the containers, and leveled. A new additive will be blended into the cement filling- iron bits/scrapes (1/2 inch in diameter). This will further strengthen the concrete bond.

STEP 5:  A 3-inch layer of Asphalt can be laid once the cement cures/hardens. The petro oil slick in the mixture will repel water/moister, and the "black top" cover will absorb energy from the sunlight, creating a "solar lid"- helping confine the electric field. Until this step is completed, keep the pavement dry; corrosion will hamper the current.

STEP 6: Layering the fresh pavement with Solar Road Panels then connecting each solenoid-sequence to this power-source. The sun will electrify the streets. ☀ 

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