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THE DREAM:  Last nights dream took place in a rural area, with a big wooden house. There was a outdoor party going on, and I had just arrived with a Jew-girl-- in a nice SUV. We climbed out of the 4-wheeler, and scurried into the forest' to have sex- leaving the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignition. There were niggers' at the gathering-  so when I got back to the parking spot- the vehicle was gone.

INTERPRETATION OF THE DREAM:  A) The setting of the country-atmosphere < represents a settling-down mentality B) The social-gathering < is the outcome of homosexuality C) The Jew-girl < signals wealth  D) The sports-car < a fast-past lifestyle E) The theft < shows economic-decay  F) The Nigger < is the result of a caste-system- created by Jews and homosexuals. 

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