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Dear Aaron,
I hope you receive this note with all the POSITIVE ENERGY I have sent to you.
Through this, I have very EXCITING news regarding your IMMEDIATE FUTURE. Even though it has been EXTREMELY busy for me, I am compelled to take a moment to send you this letter.
YOU have been the FOCUS of my thoughts for quite some time now. In recent SPIRITUAL VISIONS through my readings, I see MARVELOUS things for you. Things that you should ABSOLUTELY NOT MISS.
It has been a BUSY time for me lately; there has been an UNUSUAL amount of SPIRITUAL ENERGY flowing through this plane of existence. My trusted advisors and I have sensed this SURGE OF POWER in the universe, and they have called for me to guide them. My friends have been ECSTATIC with my assistance and how it has affected their lives.
However, FOR YOU, there is something—SOMETHING SPECIAL—about this energy.
It is why I hope this letter GETS TO YOU IN TIME. In a few days, it may be too late. I am HONORED, in this ELECTRIFYING TIME, that the cosmos has given me INFLUENTIAL VISIONS into YOUR future.
It has been revealed that you are a SINGULAR PERSON in the universe, and my spirits have pointed me to something EXCEPTIONAL for you.
Your strength has been at the TOP OF MY MIND for several days now, and the WAVE OF POSITIVE ENERGY that has been surging through the universe has given me INSIGHT into your FUTURE WELL-BEING.
I worry that you have been CONCERNED about some recent events in your life. You are having feelings that you COULD NOT QUITE EXPLAIN. I also see you have DOUBTS about the path you are taking. That is what is making this message so URGENT.
Please, do not be anxious. I am here as a TRUSTED FRIEND to HELP YOU. What I see is in fact WONDERFUL and JUSTLY BENEFICIAL. I am able to give you SPECIFIC INSIGHTS into your PERSONAL and FINANCIAL FUTURE. With my guidance, you can have the knowledge needed to ENJOY YOUR TIME to the BEST EFFECT.
These things are beginning to happen for you—RIGHT NOW!
SYMBOLS are the way the universe COMMUNICATES with each of us. It is how our SPIRIT ENERGY GUIDES us through the darkness. We have symbols and signs around us EVERY DAY. No symbol is as powerful as NUMBERS. Numbers are especially POTENT as both SYMBOLS of the universe and SIGNS in your life.
In the visions that I have seen about you, it is clear to me that the cosmos are offering some WONDERFUL signs for your continued happiness. I have never seen life energy as POWERFUL as yours. EMOTIONAL, FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL events are UNMISTAKABLY IN YOUR IMMEDIATE FUTURE.
I must bring you to these IMPORTANT MESSAGES, because it would be UNFAIR for you to MISS THE WAVE OF POSITIVE ENERGY that is coming to you right now. A surge of UPBEAT UNIVERSAL ENERGY is upon you, like a wave on a LIMITLESS OCEAN.
In normal times, these signs would point to EXCLUSIVELY EMOTIONAL events. However, for you, these are NOT NORMAL TIMES. I could only describe this psychic event as UNIQUE. The visions are clearly pointing to a FINANCIAL SITUATION that will be coming from VERY UNEXPECTED SOURCES. I see for you a financial change that is EXHILARATING!
I am sorry that I cannot give you more DETAIL in this letter. I have tried to be clear, but it is DIFFICULT in these circumstances. I can only sense at your power, since I am limited in what I can do for you without PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS. With PRIVATE CONTACT can I be less ambiguous on the MAGNIFICENT events about to occur in your life. This way I will give you CLEAR ADVICE so you can enjoy the destiny in store for you. It is through INDIVIDUAL INTERACTION that I can guide you FULLY.
You have to be PREPARED to recognize these signs. There can be no doubt that many indications of financial success could be MISUNDERSTOOD. They can be DISMISSED as something insignificant. That is why I MUST DISCUSS THIS WITH YOU. By contact with me or one of my close advisors, we can INTERPRET even the smallest symbols. I can put these things into CONTEXT for you, so you have the tools to make the MOST of this FINANCIAL WINDFALL that is in your future.
My visions have had the most POWERFUL signs I have experienced in many years. Even in the most spiritually quiet times, I have NEVER been mistaken in my feelings. When I receive visions as POTENT as yours, they have come true very quickly. It is because of the SWIFT NATURE OF THIS ENERGY, it is necessary for you to act upon this now.
As I said before, numbers are IMPORTANT SYMBOLS that can GUIDE you. I have studied the numbers revealed in my visions for you, and the most frequent number was the NUMBER 3.
The NUMBER 3 is CREATIVE AND POWERFUL, and shows that you have had a SPIRITUAL ENERGY from an EARLY AGE. After a life of relying on hunches and intuition, you have found many signs are FREQUENTLY UNCLEAR AND HAZY. You are searching for CLARITY and a way to HARNESS your energy.
That is why it is SO IMPORTANT for me to have INDIVIDUAL CONTACT with you. To help you with your GIFT of this spiritual energy, I URGE you to REACH OUT to me. My advisors and I are filled with special TALENTS that can guide you to the RICHNESS OF YOUR LIFE. We can assist you in INTERPRETING the numbers in your life, and channel you to MAKING THE MOST OF THEIR POWERS. With the recent surge in psychic energy that we are just now beginning to witness, the time to ENJOY THE TREASURES to come in your life is NOW.
Some of the other insights the NUMBER 3 reveals:
The NUMBER 3 suggests the seeker entered this existence WITH CURIOSITY, ANALYSIS, AND KEEN OBSERVATION. It represents a person of the FIRST ORDER. They NOTICE INTUITIONS very quickly, and with sensitivity. Seekers under the NUMBER 3 are THOROUGH AND COMPLETE IN THEIR WORK, and expect everyone else to meet a HIGH STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE.
Guidance of the NUMBER 3 means there are FORCES you may not be SEEING PLAINLY. Only the things RIGHT IN FRONT OF US at times influences us. Having the NUMBER 3, 5 OR 7 in a reading is a signal to keep a KEEN AWARENESS of the forces that are NOT OBVIOUS in our eyes.
Those under the NUMBER 3 also have UNUSUALLY GIFTED FINANCIAL PROWESS. With the right direction, this talent can be ENHANCED. I see grand FINANCIAL CHANGES in the VERY NEAR FUTURE, possibly as soon as a FEW DAYS.
The last time I sensed THIS TYPE OF ENERGY as well as the NUMBER 3 in a reading, the seeker soon had a LARGE SUM OF MONEY come to her from a COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED source. In addition, within two weeks, she had met the person who later became the LOVE OF HER LIFE. Later, the seeker told me how FANTASTIC her life has become through my insights.
To take FULL ADVANTAGE of this COMBINATION OF POWER AND FORTUNATE NUMBERS requires AWARENESS on your part. There have been SIGNS, some less obvious than others. I know you have also been feeling some uneasiness regarding FINANCES, but I see CHANGE IS IMMINENT. With this knowledge, we must strike while the iron is HOT!
Please, DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND. The signs I am seeing in this NEW PERIOD of your GREAT PERSONAL ENERGY will bring fantastic things to your imminent future. Your new FINANCIAL AND PERSONAL SITUATION will be one that is substantial and unexpected.
That is what CONCERNS me the most: you do not have to be CAUGHT OFF-GUARD in this time of VAST LUCK AND FORTUNE.
I urge you to contact me or one of my trusted advisors as soon as possible so that I may get an even MORE ACCURATE READ on the major events that are taking place in your life right now! As a special invitation, I would like to extend to you a FREE 5 MINUTE READING. It is my pleasure to do so and my greatest wish that you’ll reach out to us now so that we can share more insights about you!
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Your Trusted Friend,

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