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Showing posts from June, 2011

One-Stop Shop...No Hassel !

*If you want to start a Family with the Whore, we have a great selection' on Bedroom-Sets

Not a question of 'IF, but 'WHEN ???

BIOLOGICAL AGENTS being processed inside a LAB The most potent Toxins come from Butterflies and Cockroaches

Virtual Graveyard

SWAMP RIDER Original Print

The Iranian Hard-On

A Virtual-Home in the Real-World

 The location in Bing-Maps

Did Social-Media' kill the Conversation ?

Is it Face-to-Face Communication OR Two People on an Ego-Trip ?

Does that 5-minute Reading < come with Fries !?

Call 1-888-725-8805 For Your Free Reading Dear Aaron, I hope you receive this note with all the POSITIVE ENERGY I have sent to you. We need to talk... RIGHT AWAY! There are many fascinating things that can be brought to your attention. I know you will be glad for the chance to hear them. Through this, I have very EXCITING news regarding your IMMEDIATE FUTURE . Even though it has been EXTREMELY busy for me, I am compelled to take a moment to send you this letter. YOU have been the FOCUS of my thoughts for quite some time now. In recent SPIRITUAL VISIONS through my readings, I see MARVELOUS things for you. Things that you should ABSOLUTELY NOT MISS . It has been a BUSY time for me lately; there has been an UNUSUAL amount of SPIRITUAL ENERGY flowing through this plane of existence. My trusted advisors and I have sensed this SURGE OF POWER in the universe, and they have called for me to guide them. My friends have been ECSTATIC with my assistance
                                           ALICE IN PEEPSHOW                                                                                                                                       

Quantum-Computing' in a Paperless-World'

The PROTON' replacing the ELECTRON'

The Lost Art of Flying ^

VS. Public Transportation



Smart-Homes for the Innovative-Couple

STEP 1: Pick a Spot (4-5 Acers of Land) (Price: $500,000-1,000,000) STEP 2: Excavation, Foundation, and Structure Building    (Price: $1,000,000--2,000,000) STEP 3: Equipping with Solar-Panels and Smart-Chip Technologies   (Price: $100,000) STEP 4: Furnish the Interior   (Price: $100,000--200,000) (Total Price = $1,700,000--3,300,000)

Whores without a Soul