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Showing posts from October, 2017


Move over pumpkin-spice, eggnog is the now trending. Soon, if not already, this drink will hit grocery-shelves, coffee-shops, bars, etc. Halloween is done with, time to get in the spirit of Christmas. What better way to celebrate the season than with a creamy-cup of joy. Enjoy it with or without rum-- it's totally up to you! 

The RisingSun Post

Reflection is a great state to be in-- realizing when something concrete comes to life. There are those constantly undermining what you do-- but keep at it. The RisingSun Post started out as an idea, and has since grown into a mecca of content. Thanks to all the fans, especially you, the supporter. The feeling of composing a post is thrilling-- and will keep at it, until death do us part. Hope the spirit of the blog has sparked an interest in you-- because there's nothing more inspiring than feedback. The Risingsun may be a mythical-image, however the merchandise is real!


Baseball is a game of inches-- as it could very well be the difference between an out and a run. Everyone has there favorite team-- and it's kind of hard following a sport, when they aren't in the running. Nevertheless, the best two outfits will square off tonight-- in the World Series. Cleveland Indians and L.A. Dodgers deserve to be in the big-dance. The former has good hitters, as the latter plays great defense. A clash of strengths and weaknesses-- who will come out victories, in this series!?!


It takes a special-breed to make these. Egg in a basket' is a delicacy in some Scandinavian cultures-- but still popular across the southern-U.S. Basically, yoke is cooked into the bread at medium-heat. The trick is frying it without burning... A pan with a lid works best-- sealing a controlled-temperature inside the fryer. Make sure to coat the bottom with butter-- enabling the concoction to form a creamy-texture. Add spices and sauce to the top for an explosion of flavor! Enjoy:)


Instead of debating which league is better-- lets tackle there strengths. The pig-skin is actually larger in the pros-- because bigger hands. College-football is the farm-house of the NFL. What you see on the collegiate-side-- will be tomorrow's stars on the global-scene. Athletes battle for supremacy on each level-- so the game is the same, just different names and numbers. Obviously, scholarships vs. salaries is the big-issue here-- but money-players usually bust after the draft. Huge followings flood the stadiums come gameday-- some are just larger than others.


Ask me again, and I'll tell you the same answer-- because I can. You learn the basic A, B, C's in life-- and then it becomes second-nature. When it comes to writing an article-- I have no idea what the premise is going to be. During the process of composing words-- the paragraph starts to form into something coherent. Call me old-fashion, but I use different type-sets to show emotion-- because less is more. And who doesn't want to be relevant in this world? Getting thrown under the bus is part of life-- so why not write about it! 


Imagine one day drones delivering parcel to homes across America. It's a real possibility in this lifetime-- we will see these flying-machines in transit. Helicopter-crafts can support a tremendous amount of weight and fly far distances on a single-charge. Just a matter of having the will-power to make it a hoovering-reality! Imagine ordering something dropped-off at your doorstep by a mini-aircraft-- how unreal would that be!?


This website let's you take a peak in other people's lives. Camera's are placed in homes across Europe, and allows viewers to see and hear what's happening in real-time. It's like a reality-show right on the computer. Almost feels like your there, as coverage is streamlined 24/7. Watch the characters do all sorts of things-- bath, cook, socialize, sex, etc. Each room has it's own screen-shot-- subscription is required for full-access, but free to the public for limited-viewing. Click here:  Real Life Cam


It's always better to play the game-- to appreciate the sport. Flag-football is an alternative to tackling-- as it uses the same rules, except no helmets and pads. A safer and cheaper alternative to the real thing. Generally, players wear uniforms with a dangling-cloth tied around the hip-- and the object is to pull it off to stop the opposing team from scoring. Still competitive as ever, just a different format. Leagues are gearing toward this type of activity-- to encourage sportsmanship without injury. Kind of like a water-down version of Gatorade, but it will still quince your thirst!


The vagina is the most distinguishable-feature on the female-body-- why not enhance it? Camel-toe underwear is a thing now, as the product is gaining traction in cities across Asia. Pussy-lips are a turn-on, so if your trying to get that promotion at work-- these panties are made for you. It's a sexiest-world, some men care about personalities-- but most don't. The rubber-slit fits around the groin-area, like a glove-- and is surprisingly comfortable to wear. The ideal outfit would be tight-jeans, spandex, or a bikini-- to get the effect. No one would know the difference-- appearing to be the real-thing. 


It's hard to sit in front of the t.v. for long periods of time-- so why not make a game out of it. The long-running syndicated-show, Jeopardy-- will keep you watching day after day. Educational to say the least, as it makes you think-- knowledge is power! Contestants answer questions in the form of a question-- to win big-money. A smart way to spend a half-an-hour-- feeling like school, but in the comfort of your home. So, hop on board, and play along-- even if you don't get a single one right. 


This has to do with something done half-ass. We say a lot of things in life, although when the time comes to actually doing the act-- it doesn't materialize into anything. Reporting an event-- that does not occur.  A sports-team which talks a good-game-- but keeps on losing. Politicians who promise improvements in a campaign-- alas, when elected does none of them.  Pitching a tent with no poles-- all hype and no substance. Counter-productive, standing in the way of progress; a burden to others, messy, etc.  


Hurricane Nate is bearing down on the Gulf-coast. At this point in time, no one knows exactly where the eye-of-the-storm will make landfall. The cyclone has strengthen to a cat-1, which means stronger-winds and heavier-rains. A curfew has been ordered for the city of New Orleans, tonight-- which is when the disturbance is expected to hit shore. Metropolitan-areas are preparing for devastation-- to what extant is uncertain. Power-outage is likely, so get the flashlights and candles ready. God bless America, we will make it threw this-- at least some of us should.  


Make way for the Mardi Gras Indians. It's more than a costume, it is a way of life. Kings and queens all around-- as that is the theme, naturally. The roots date back centuries, to Caribbean-islands-- and made it's way to the states, in the early 20th century. This is no tea-party, the colorful-negros-- are on a mission from God. They take to the streets in protest, to the injustice felt in the African-communities.   


This isn't your grandfathers radio. The new age of satellites-- now streams content right to your home or car. Music, talk, sports, comedy, etc.-- it's an abundance of entertainment. Digital-stations with superior-sound-- what more do you need in life? Channels catered to you, the audience-- just pick one and listen. The low monthly subscription-fee of $18-- is well worth it. Tired of being glued to a screen-- Sirius XM will set you free!


Need a break from the hustle and bustle of the world-- head on over to AMC's dolby-cinemas. Stepping into this theater, is like taking a step into the future. The new leather-recliner seats are of the highest-quality-- feeling more like a bed than a chair. Surround-sound with accented red-lighting-- totally transcends the atmosphere. Watching a movie on this mega-screen-- makes for an enjoyable-experience. At 15 bucks a ticket, take the ride-- because there's no turning back!