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Showing posts from November, 2019


Can 'point the finger' at someone, but there's three fingers pointing right-back at you; the pigs are notorious for spinning-stories, and lying; the garbage they make-up, on a daily basis-- is mind-blowing. They believe what they want believe, and don't care if it's not true. The only predator a lion has, is another lion.  

Superiority Complex

A chocolate-cow eating green-grass-- the milk still comes out white. A superiority-complex' is one, that thinks they own' everything-- a delusion; they talk a good-game-- but do nothing. A Mob-mentality, whose only real motive in life-- is to tarnish the good; they can't get past the person in front of them...Pick up one leaf, another one falls in it's place.  


No one ever says anything worth repeating. If misery is calling, block the number. The ego' is a Godsend-- watch it flare-up like a joint. They talk-down to you, even when your looking up. Shit in the same spot long-enough-- it starts to stink! 


It's what you don't do-- that's an insult. Roommates can be challenging-- especially the ones that are messy. Like, leaving stuff everywhere-- when space is limited, already. Cleanliness is a divine-awakening, a talent-- those that don't clean, are a problem. Don't knock on the bathroom door, unless it's an emergency! 

The Bank: Scene V