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Showing posts from October, 2019


We've all received 'junk-mail' before--  the 'garbage'  comes on the hour, everyday. If your going to make up lies about someone, at least type it up . Everything is backwards in this world, what is 'hyped-up' as harmful -- is really harmless ; and vice-versa ... If there's no postmark, don't open it!


The crook comes in all shapes and sizes-- don't be fooled by the smell of her perfume . So, scribble the lies-- but God knows the truth. There is a dividing-line of corruption in the state, don't believe the hype-- it's just 'smoke 'n mirrors', on the hour, every hour... Kind of   like wrapping a rock in yellow-foil, then calling it gold. 


Everybody needs a place to call home, it doesn't necessarily have to have a door. It's counter-productive, when money becomes available-- to those who don't work; the scum 'milk the system', and do nothing in exchange! Economics is a failed system, as it creates blight, joblessness, and crime; money is essentially garbage!! The window is always dirtiest, on the outside.



If getting something for nothing, were a habit-- you'd be in rehab. There are those who talk, about what they don't do-- and their are those who just do. Doing requires risk, when duty calls. If there's no risk involved, then why do it!?  


There's a crisis in the world, people are addicted to money. Slap a price-tag on goods, then jack-up the price. We work for pennies, but everything cost a quarter. Economics creates poverty, crime, etc. Weight by the pound, not the dollar! 


This map indicates Louisiana's rightful ownership, of land stripped away' from the original settlers.  The Purchase states that: all territory running along the Mississippi River belongs to Louisiana.  The dozen states north of the Gulf Of Mexico, should be confiscated-- and fall under the jurisdiction of Louisiana.