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Showing posts from August, 2018


Clothing is essential in a proper-society-- it is what separates man from animal. Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good-- it's that simple! The mark of good-luck, starts with the authentic-supply-- by this company. Attire of good-fortune-- established in 1990; American-made, handcrafted, durable-goods' built to last!!!


The only people that know what's going on in this place, are: the cooks and waiters. Every establishment has an employed pig, or two... that serve no purpose, at all, in the actually-operation of things. There's an organization of pigs that have run amok in the city-- law-enforcement needs to organize labor-camps for them. To instill values--- one must work the body to it's maximum-capacity!!!  


The cock crows at dawn, and so on-- which makes perfect-sense? Being in situations where life seems to take a wrong-turn. Failure being the norm, because the system is rigged with negativity. Feeling like no matter what you do-- it will never be enough! This is flipping a two-headed coin-- but calling tails. 


The pig-man is posses by the beast. Greedy-creatures' that have pig-like deformities. Their lifestyles revolve around false-ideals and money. Some notorious pig-people have made a name for themselves. But, they are fakes, news-junkies, and have no moral-compass.


When it comes down to brass-tax-- the good will prevail. The sinners talk alot , but do little in this lifetime; as the beast is constantly trying to turn humanity against itself-- in the name of: economics. Thus , the media will focus on the negative--- to create  false-impressions. The innocent are  then targeted by law-enforcement, and labeled 'criminals' by the justice-system. 


If there was ever a phone that could do everything-- it's the Moto e-series. Talking on it would be an insult-- as the contraption can literally bring you to different-dimensions. This technology then becomes a life-saver. Record, instant-message, get a location-- the skys the limit---- on what be achieved and downloaded! 


Traveling can be adventurous, but so can a trip to the mailbox. It's all in how you define excitement-- because it's different, for different people. The meme' deals with the literal, going beyond city-limits-- the roads start to have no names. By definition, it's 'off the map', uncharted-territory-- no place for a vacationer.