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Showing posts from July, 2018


No job is too big, or too small for Handy-- we do it all. Landscaping, cleaning, hanging shelves/pictures, wash cars, even walk the dog. The innovative-app allows users to book a handyman-- for those everyday projects. The war on blight starts with manual-labor-- it's the backbone of any civilization. 


There's a ole' saying that dates way back-- but , this isn't one of them. However , the meaning stays the same: don't get bogged-down in the past... Look beyond the horizon-- to brighter days... It easy to let the enemy knock you off your game-- hang in there... Stay in the moment, focus on the now-- and, have a sense of urgency about life.


Anyway to get out of doing real-work-- is the definition of a gold-digger. Let the man support your pathetic-lifestyle-- to pay for things, you don't really need. Legally, marriage is a way a woman can milk the system-- for every nickle, dime, and dollar. A whore will continue getting knocked-up, and call it a job-- but we all know the motive. That being said, she is like a hooker-- only smarter!


The journey is more about using cutting-edge techniques-- than it is about the delivery. Any Joe-blow can go from point-a to point-b-- but it takes a special-cat' to complete an online order, on time. The heart-beat of any nation is the driver-- they are the advancement of civilization! 


Some things are funnier left unsaid. However, the good-comedian can always pull out an one-liner-- at the drop of a hat! Sometimes, you just have to laugh' at the literal. The joke has a narrative, then a punch-line-- only animated, instead. True, one mans humor may be offensive to someone else-- but who's keeping track, anyway? 

4th Of July

Independence day can mean a lot of different-things, among individuals. Freedom comes to the forefront-- followed by liberty. Lets remember the fallen-solider, who has given their lives to protect this great-nation. Without the sacrifice of these brave-warriors-- nothing else matters. Celebrating this holiday' should be somber, not rebellious-- a festive-occasion, with plenty of spirits and smoke!