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Showing posts from June, 2018


The evolution of the phone has defined an era. Motorola launched the first cell-phone in the early 80's-- although big and cumbersome, served it's purpose. The mobile-technology' has become more compact, since then. Phone-towers have allowed users, a wider-range of connectivity. Making relationships possible-- over great distances, with face-to-face calling. But, has man mastered the art of communication, or are we all just whistling-Dixie?  

St. Joe Lofts

Home is where the heart is-- and many other things... If art is your cup-of-tea-- then think about' living in an artist-community! The perks of warehouse-housing are: open-areas, high-ceilings, solid-structure, etc.. and it feels good having a roof over your head! 


WOMP, WOMP! Throw your hands in the air, and wave them like you just don't care!! The service-industry is filled with rooms of chatter--- this is a dead-place. The other half is empty-- meaning the same. A play on words; ignore the gossip-- and focus on the food... Because what else is there!?  


Life is a maze of uncertainty-- choices have to be made. Knowing right from wrong-- will decide one's character' in society. The devil likes it loud, to drown out all the production going on--- behind closed-doors. But, at the end of the day-- what has the pig really accomplished? They have no manners or etiquette-- they are the beast!   


Food delivered to your doorstep-- waiters on wheels' makes it happen. No need to dine-out at a restaurant, anymore -- the food comes directly to any location. A few taps of the service-app-- and the order goes out! A growing trend in the hospitality-industry--- sweeping the nation, one delivery at a time!


My story is simple, yet complex. Life has been a roller-coaster of happiness and sorrow. Learned many things, in the years here on earth. Most notably, no matter what you do-- others will try and make you feel worthless. Peace is a mirage, something that is in reach-- but never can touch. Not sure why people strive to hurt their fellow-neighbors-- however it's a reality. A sickness of humanity, that dates back since the beginning of creatures. May we all get along over a fat-joint!


Three eyes are better than two. Not enough is said about heighten-awareness-- and for good-reason. Consciences can expand beyond the senses-- a supernatural-expansion of the mind. We are taught, growing up, about animated-objects-- but, there's an unseen-reality to this world. A third-dimension-- and only those who have extraordinary abilities, can see that!