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Showing posts from November, 2017


Jewelry for your cats butt is a thing now, thanks to Twinkle Tush. A butthole is not a flattering attribute-- so why not jazz it up with some bling. This crafted-necklace wraps snugly around the tail-- covering-up the asshole. They come in a variety of gem-colors, that best fits the sex of the animal. Look for it in pet-shops or order-online. Your feline-friend will be the bell-of-the-ball!


You may fool some people sometimes-- but, you can't fool all the people all-the-time. Even if you don't have an ounce of talent-- there are still ways to fake being a genius. In this glorified-society everyone is trying to be someone else. Just being comfortable in your own skin is not enough-- we feel a void in life. Instead of perfecting something-- they cover it up with mindless chatter. Controlling the environment-- instead of inspiring others. It's a sick world-- however, don't be fooled by the trick-deck. 


Bush trimming is labor-intensive, but it can also be an art-form. Shaping  shrubbery is a real-job, and fun to do. The tools of the trade are important, as you will need ladders, trimmers, and ones with extension-poles. Now, start cutting, making sure not to cut to deep into the shrub-- because it will cause patchy-holes. Depending on the type of greenery, will determine the best way to tackle the project. It's gratifying-work that cannot be rushed-- like painting a landscape with hedgers.   


Ready to escape the hustle and bustle of your daily-life-- well, a timeshare may be the route to go. Basically, traveling is made easy-- because choosing a destination from a booklet in advance, is peace of mind. Simply pick a vacation-spot-- and drive or fly there. A flat monthly-fee is all you have to pay, and the travel-agents do the bookings for ya. Of course, the competitors will say it's a scam-- but isn't that part of the capitalistic-way?  


Don't have superpowers, well you can pretend with comic-books. Heroes and villains collide in detailed-illustrations. Graphic-pages of fight-scenes will entertain thee to the fullest. Collecting comics is a time-honored tradition-- so start one today. Condition is everything in this world-- as bent-edges and ripped-pages devalues the book. Keep them in plastic-covers, to ensure quality-- and who knows they could be worth sometime in the near future.   


What a grand-masterpiece this city is. The way the light illuminates off the high-rises-- makes you proud to be a citizen. Centuries of craftsmanship has left the skyline with a perfect mix of buildings; old-school structures meets new-world scrapers. Taking it all in is breathtaking-- a nestle of glass and steel. Appreciating this metropolis gives us a sense of purpose in life-- something that is bigger than ourselves.  

The RisingSun Note

Many have probably never seen this much money, before. But, here it is, proof that wealth can happen in The United States of American. The Risingsun-note is truly one in a million! It's six zeros followed by a one -- all certified by the sunšŸŒž     


It's the dawn of a new season in New Orleans-- as the Pelicans are doing big-things in the Big-Easy. The pieces are finally coming together for this basketball-team. They are playing much better this year-- as their winning-record is proof. Take-flight is the slogan, and the players have adopted that to the tee. Let's hope the passion never stops, because this city deserves champions. GO PELS!!! 


With marijuana becoming more mainstream-- sooner than later coffee-shops may start serving bud, too. Nothing goes better with a cup-of-Joe than weed-- the two compliment each other like peanut-butter and jelly. Imagine being able to purchase a bag of cannabis right in the drive-thru. The ability to order smoke off a menu-- truly is the American-dream. No shady-dealers, just another retail-outlet selling a product. How's that for capitalism at work-- letting the consumer decide what they want. No silly prohibition-laws-- just people enjoying life on a high.  


Never had elephant before, but I hear it taste like victory! LSU marches on to Tuscaloosa, to battle undefeated Alabama. Kickoff is at 7:oo c.t. on CBS-- as it's the game of the week. Two heavyweights take to the ring-- fighting for supremacy in college-football. Who will be left standing at the end of four-quarters-- will remain to be seen. The crimson-tide has a balance attack, but the tigers are hot right now. A SEC showdown that will determine who will be crown champions of the west. 


What is the deal with people constantly asking if your alright. Am I laying on the ground passed-out-- no! Why is there a need to interfere in the affairs of others? It seems like society is so caught up in the individual-- that little gets accomplished. Instead of monitoring the person-- do something constructive. We all have our insecurities, there is no need to harp on it. Back off and get a life-- I don't have time to b.s. with you. Say your piece and move on to better things.