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Showing posts from May, 2017


No one has heard this saying before, because it's new -- but, the phrase has a hidden meaning. Black, being a color that really only has one shade to it-- however, is worth two in the hand. In life, many things go unnoticed-- they become one-dimensional. When man handles an object, and creates-- the value of it goes up. For instance, take a rusty old bike, add a shade of paint to the body-- and suddenly it's worth double!! Or, raw-food when cooked-- suddenly becomes edible, as restaurants can then charge more... Any deviation of the idiom-- would be absurd.  


God bless America, and God bless the Dollar-Tree. It's not just a bunch of cheap-stuff, as you can pretty much find all their items in high-end retail. Groceries, cleaners, toiletries, cards, toys, batteries, and the list goes on and on. A combination of a convenient-shop and department-store, with rocket-bottom prices---- everything is $1.00. The next best price from basically being free-- this franchise is nothing short of amazing. The only problem is finding enough hands to carry-out all the merchandise! 🤛


Questioning what life throws at you-- is your god-given right. Expressing yourself with thoughts and actions-- is the name of the game. Often times we are thrust into the workforce-- but don't really understand why? It's a mad-scramble for what people think they are entitled to... Standing head to toe with co-workers can be profitable, although it doesn't reflect. The shadow of independence looks good on you, and sometimes even the darkest days show a bit of light. We all see and hear the chaos around us and think it's perfectly normal -- to fall in line and hold hands. 💭 


The gigabyte doesn't get the notoriety it was did-- but, let's not fool ourselves -- it's still an integral part of society, today. From cell-phones to computers-- they all use memory. Wifi needs a tremendous amount of data to process your every command. Without the thousand-byte chip-- cyber-mobility wouldn't exist! Sometimes in life we take technology for granted-- as the roots of advancement are ingrained in the byte. 🚨 


Does art imitate life, or life imitate art-- it's a big debate in the art-community. One things for sure, without life there would be no art. That's important in the realm of creativity-- because capturing beauty at it's finest-moment, takes life and art! The artist is always inventing new ways to convey that next big image. By capturing the now-- anything is possible!! A higher-force guiding the hand, as the body is just a medium-- for something much bigger than the self. 


This ain't your daddy's skateboard. Hoover-boards are the new-shit-- and they are here to stay. The sleek-design allows riders to top speeds of 20mph' and go 15 miles' on a single-charge. Automobiles are so old-fashion, stop and go traffic, makes commuting tiresome. Why not zip through the clutter, and be on your merry-way. Even if it's just around the corner to the convenient-store-- hey, it's still better than walking. Of course, there are safety-concerns, but the body is able to take a licking, so if you fall-- get back up!


There are many curse-words in the English-vocabulary-- many of them you have probably said. Although they are mainly spoken out of anger and frustration-- not always, cursing can have positive implications. For instance, "let's go fuck" can mean two people engaging in intercourse-- a very pleasurable experience. In retrospect, "go fuck yourself" has a bad connotation-- fighting words. "I have to take a shit" is a fowl way to say you have to relieve yourself. "This is the shit" implies that an object is good. "Goddamn that motherfucker" is a double-negative in both sense of the word-- evil.


It seems like everywhere you go-- there are loudmouths. Shouting at the top of their lungs, as if people really need to hear what there saying. At some point you'd think they'd run out of things to talk about, but on the contrary-- the decibel-levels keep on rising. Everyone talking over each other-- sounding like farm-animals on crack. Some of them even come up to you-- wanting to strike-up a conversation... Silence is truly golden, find something constructive to do with your time-- instead of adding to the noise pollution, and bothering others. 


LSU has yet another team making waves in college-sports. After an up-and-down season, the tigers are coming on strong, at the end. Many experts predict them going far in the world-series-- and even out-right winning it! NCAA baseball doesn't get the recognition, like football and basketball does-- but, it is still fun to watch and follow. The SEC tournament starts May 23, as four schools are still in contention for the number 1 seed (Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi St., LSU).   


Flight is getting faster and faster. Airplanes of the future will be more spacious, and get you from point A to point B-- in half the time. The ride would have less turbulence, because the aircraft is moving through space at a higher rate of speed. The experience will be like sitting in a fancy-restaurant-- except being thousands of feet in the air. Boom industries plans on rolling out it's first line of super-sonic jets by 2025. 


Damn the ego, don't damn the person. Who wants to be around a pompous-personality-- not me! Belittling others, so you can look inferior-- got an arrogant-attitude!! Picking a fight with everybody-- no matter what the situation is... These are all indicators of an altered-ego-- a twisted view of yourself. What a miserable existence, thinking your actually better than the next man? Like flies on shit, they attack a host-- parasitic in nature. BE GONE!!!  

National Teachers Day

Good looks will get you far in life-- but it won't bring happiness. Sure, there are discrimination-laws about hiring only for beauty-- although how many of them are actually enforced? Educators teach about the A,B,C's and 1,2,3's-- in retrospect, taking care of yourself seems like a better lesson. How much can one really gain inside the walls of a classroom-- without real-world experience. Growing as a human-being requires much hardship, and schooling is kind of an illusion. Either way, make-up and plastic-surgery is just a temporary-fix-- a cover-up for something much bigger. 


The swastika has gotten bad publicity over the past century, for it's association with the Nazi party. But, it's actually an universal-symbol dating all the way back to the Aztecs. In fact, the ancient-Jews had used it in religious-ceremonies-- before officially adopting the Star-Of-David. Many cultures have put their own twist on this infamous-logo-- throughout history. The meaning varies with time-- so let's not ban the mark all together.   


Your not going to get rich off this profession-- but, it's honest work. There's always things needing fixing, cleaning, and maintain. Weather a commercial or residential property-- the 'sky is the limit' on what can be done. Why  do the same task everyday, when you can become a 'jack of all trades'. Not having a boss to answer to regularly, and making your own hours-- is a win win. Just train for the job at hand, as you go along-- each day can be a new adventure! Typically, word-of-mouth is how you continue to acquire customers-- they can range from housewives to shop-owners. Most of the time your working out of your vehicle, and have to have access to a wide range of tools/equipment. It is more of a way of life than a career-- being independent and self-efficient. 


The childhood dream of growing-up into a superhero-- is but a fantasy. Comic-books and movies are the closest we'll come to super-natural abilities-- as they are a figment of our imagination. The typical-person gets a job and starts a family-- becoming super-ordinary. Or, ends up in jail or a mental-facility-- for being a non-conformist. But, there's still hope for the realm of super-powers. Maybe one day this world will produce a hero/ villain-- however, don't bet on it.