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Showing posts from December, 2016


It is so true, unfortunately we live in a world where gossip is king. Too many of us feel the need to belittle others, to make themselves look good. On the contrary, not only are you trashing another person, but your  showing flaws, yourself. This illusion, to get ahead in life, one must kick their fellow neighbors to the curve-- is ludicrous. Undermining mankind is counter-active-- and it will come back to bite you!    


Hoarding is a serious problem in this country. A chronic illness that affects everyone around you. We all think of disorders as an individual behavior, but not of the environments they live. A severe lack of any kind of organization, means your a hoarder. The world can't function properly in a state of chaos, and it all starts with the home. Even if it means an intervention, to get you to clean up your act-- something has to be done!!! 




While exchanging presents is an important part of the holiday tradition-- the spirit of giving is often overlooked. Don't be selfish if you don't get everything on your wish-list-- just be content on what you got. This is the message of Christ-- being thankful for all the small things in life. If it's even a roof over your head, or food in your belly-- it can be more then some people have. Enjoying the company of others, is the best gift of all-- as we need to start celebrating gratitude. 

Tracks of my fears


Aleppo is a scene of devastation, as rebel forces clash with the Syrian military. Killing of innocent civilians (women and children) is happening on a regular-basis. It's a sad situation, but something had to be done. Trying to topple a government, is a big 'no no'-- in the greater scheme of things. Nations need leaders, weather in a political arena or not. Sometimes, violence is necessary in the road to peace. Will this Islamic region ever encounter freedom, probably not, but there's always hope.  


The flying-wing is all the hype in the aviation-industry. The design gives flight the most sound-ride, around. Military applications for this technology include: mainly long-range bombers. But, could the consumer benefit from this triangle-structure. Maybe, personnel flight- packs to get around town. Or, flying-cars used for traveling-- making airliners obsolete. Will we see them in our life-time, who knows. ๐Ÿ



In a world of so much sadness and violence-- we need pranks to lighten the mood. Laughing at life, is a good stress-relief-- something society can use more of. There is a barrage of prank-videos on Youtube, just search for them-- and bam, there they are. You could literally spend the whole day watching these antics-- anywhere from amateur to professional sites. Humor brings people together, as there is so much seriousness among fellow citizens. You can even pull a homemade-prank on a love-one, to strengthen a relationship. So, go ahead, break-out the whoopie-cushion, because there's nothing funnier than farting sounds. ๐Ÿ˜„