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Showing posts from August, 2011


These Sun-flares' are what trigger: natural-disasters (EMF fluctuations) Hurricanes tend to track to the most polluted areas (orange mist) The southern tip of Louisiana' now  has the highest level of pollutants ?

Black-Hole Sun

Hurricanes are a vital function in the continuing formation of the planet; as these natural occurances' act as a "relief valve"- for toxic gases that have accumulated in the atmosphere. From a Universal perspective, these spiralling cyclons take on the physical characteristics of: Black-Holes (ripples in the space-time continuum) . If probes were sent into the eyewalls of these storms, they would detect: Dark-Matter (energy that causes mass to expand' outward).                                  

The Strong Man is Mightiest Alone

 Every guy fantasizes' about that perfect women--  who's going to show them the way-- to the Promise-Land ...but in reality, there just a bunch of Whores !!!

A Hallmark Moment

Honey Island Swamp Monster

A Tulane couple went searching for this mysteries beast- that was said to be half man/half alligator. They went missing; the only thing recovered from the camp site was an I-Phone - with these lost-clips:

Perpectual-Motion: A Study of Time


 Darpa's new Falcon Bomber' can reach speeds of up to Mach 20 (13,000 miles per hour);  a mere 10 minute trip from New York to L.A. (so pack lightly) Once this new weapon technology is fully tested and deployed, it will primarily be used by Special-Op Units (Navy Seals); to take out enemy-targets and whore-houses. The 2nd test flight of the HTV-2 was successful, until re-entry from orbit; where the command and control' lost the crafts' signal, again.. .