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EA SPORTS: electronic arts

Football-simulators can help predict the outcome of a game, before it is even played. EA Sports: Maddon '25, uses advanced' AI technology-- to preview games, and reinact the event in real-time. Case-in-point: the New Orleans Saints is predicted to beat Tampa Bay Bucs, by 7 points.
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The current situation inside the Saints organization, is at a tipping point. On one hand, moral on the offensive side is low, too many playcallers in the huddle-- and not enough action. Me-me-player's who have lost sight of the game, holding out for mo money, and not doing whats best for the team. On the other hand, the defense has alot of veterans up-front that wear-down quicker, throughout the season-- and injuries take longer to heal. Coaches can evaluate talent and divise plays, but you really don't know until gameday, if your good or not. WHO DAT.


  If mother-nature has taught us anything-- it's that's she's a bitch. No mercy for those that take lightly the power-of-reality; as many have a diluted-view of the real-world. Change is eternal, and can happen-- in a blink-of-an-eye. Officials failed to fix vital-infrastructure that would have kept the ship upright; now, it's all a waiting-game--- will the N.O. float or sink. 


  Cheating is cheating, many say one thing-- then do the complete opposite; their sloths that belong in work-camps. How much longer will the greed consume humanity-- before world-wide destruction wipes us out. God-less creatures that roam this planet-- do nothing in their daily-lives but freeload off-of-others. It's sicken to believe that at 12 years old kid is allowed to become obese. Schools teach backwards philosophies and indoctrinate the youth in counter-culture; learn how milk-the-system for all it's worth-- then throw your fellow-man under-the-bus, type of mentality.  

Plasma Arts

                                                                    Plasma ER4 prototype                           One fully charged plasma-projectile-gun, could wipe-out a police-force                                                             Coming to a theater-near you
A tough looking group of hairy-bikers are riding when they see a girl about to jump off a bridge, so they stop. The leader, a big burly man, gets of his bike and says, "What are you doing?" "I'm going to commit suicide," she says. While he doesn't want to appear insensitive, he doesn't want to miss an opportunity, so he asks, "well, before you jump, why don't you give me a kiss". She does, and it's a long, deep, lingering kiss. After she's finished, the tough, hairy biker says, "wow, that was the best kiss I've ever had! why are you committing suicide?" she responds, "My parents don't like me dressing up as a girl..."  
  Now here this mortals, Zeus the God of thunder and lighting, has spoken, "Your wicked ways will doom you." America, the great Satan, has waged war on the world. Iraq and Syria are in ruins because of Western might. Rex sits in his noble home in New Orleans, perplex at all the hatred on this earth. What will be the next country to fall to this plague of violence. Isis, rosey woman, tries to spread innocence throughout the land. Mankind has a crocked tongue, back stabbers who talk and do sinful things against their fellow man. President Putin tries to lead a liberation army across the globe, but does not have the gods on his side. Zulu rests in Africa, triffled by militants, that sour the continent with blood and diamonds. "Where is the brotherly love" King Zulu speaks, "are we not above the beasts of the wild" St. Patrict speaks an english dialect to his people. "Have ye not learned from the Prophets in the great books". Saints of today and in t