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Showing posts from August, 2021


  If mother-nature has taught us anything-- it's that's she's a bitch. No mercy for those that take lightly the power-of-reality; as many have a diluted-view of the real-world. Change is eternal, and can happen-- in a blink-of-an-eye. Officials failed to fix vital-infrastructure that would have kept the ship upright; now, it's all a waiting-game--- will the N.O. float or sink. 


  Cheating is cheating, many say one thing-- then do the complete opposite; their sloths that belong in work-camps. How much longer will the greed consume humanity-- before world-wide destruction wipes us out. God-less creatures that roam this planet-- do nothing in their daily-lives but freeload off-of-others. It's sicken to believe that at 12 years old kid is allowed to become obese. Schools teach backwards philosophies and indoctrinate the youth in counter-culture; learn how milk-the-system for all it's worth-- then throw your fellow-man under-the-bus, type of mentality.  

Plasma Arts

                                                                    Plasma ER4 prototype                           One fully charged plasma-projectile-gun, could wipe-out a police-force                                                             Coming to a theater-near you