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Showing posts from April, 2019


In the "ME" society, fast-track success is what's desired. Leadership doesn't come from a mic-up' arm-chair, but doing good in the community. No one ever did God's work, without resistance-- as this world is full of demons. Their only goal is to prosecute humanity--with slander and gossip. They are bums, free-loaders, and should be forced into slave-labor. It's better to be a nobody now, but somebody in the future.  


There's not much one can do with a watch that doesn't tick-tock.  Setting clocks according to the rotation of the sun, dates back thousands of  years-- as it's the first invention!  An universal masterpiece, that keeps  civilization synchronized. Keeping accurate-time is a necessary, even if you are a blind-man.


Everyone is on drugs, some are just deemed illegal. The "war on drugs" is a joke; banning substances because it's bad for you-- is the punch-line... Rouge-cops riding around arresting people, that are high-- are the scum-of-the-earth! We the people, need to stand-up to this prohibition-- and legalize all contraband; because the only problem with drugs, is running out!!