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Showing posts from March, 2017


There are many wheels moving in the brain-- one faulty cog can leave a person feeling down-and-out. Not alot is known about the condition of schizophrenia-- but there are plenty of medications to treat it. Yes, books have been written on the 'disorder'-- although many have diagnosed the condition as a negative quality to have. But why, the creative-aspect of the mind has many dimensions to it-- traits that are beyond the human-psyche. The aspect of one, can take many forms-- just to label someone as 'mentally-ill', is wrong. 


Naked restaurants are popping-up all around the globe. No need to get dressed-up, to dine at one of these places-- because no cloths are required, to get a table. That's right you take-off your attire at the door, then wait to be seated with nothing on! Apparently, people don't mind being nude among strangers-- as the concept is gaining popularity in Europe and Asia. BON APPETIT!!!

The RisingSun Post

When asked if The Risingsun Post would ever go mainstream-- it all ready is. Only by reputation does the blog work-- but by association it flourishes. It's been a hard fought five-years, although the ability to document a life with you-- has been a blessing! The show must on-- wherever it may be...


It's the dawn of a new era, machines are equipped with A.I. technology-- making them more human-like. Before long robots will be capable of doing tasks on a regular basis. We already interact with them on our smart-phones, as a virtual-assistant (Siri, Cortana, Alexa). Imagine them having a body to go along with that voice, a humanoid which could be programmed to do anything-- drive, cook, clean, etc. 


Amazon Fire tablets are all they are cracked up to be, and then some. Small enough to fit in a pocket/purse, but has a large enough screen to view the many features: browser, camera, movies, music, books, etc.. Alexa is the newest addition, an A.I. interface-- that can answer all your questions! Mobile entertainment at it's finest, and very affordable, too. Order one today-- and tap into the mysteries of the unknown.


It's March, and you know what that means-- NCAA tournament-basketball! Am especially excited this year, because a long-time alma-mater-- is playing in the big-dance!! The University of New Orleans, snuck in as a 16th seed-- and they are a very hot team, right now. Even if your school didn't make it in-- it should be non-stop action on and off the courts. GO PRIVATEERS!!!


What might appear as one thing, could be another. The canvas takes on two forms-- which may trick the eye. So what exactly is it-- a painting, obviously . The contrast between black and white-- makes it an optical-illusion. Depending of your mind-set, viewing the above image-- you might see: faces, or a vase. With various lighting and angles, perception changes with each glance.  


If you haven't already set your clocks forward-- it's time to do so. Daylight savings happens once a year, and you do not want to miss out! Sure, l osing a hour may seem like an inconvenience-- but that's life. The sun will set later, and rise sooner. So, get ready for that reoccurring event, because it will be six months-- until it falls back, again.  Clocks/watches are animated objects that have adjusted to the changing-times; an old-friend that has been around since the dawn of mankind. Seconds, minutes, hours make up the days, months, and years------ bringing us to modern-times. But, remember one thing-- there's no time like the present. ⏳ 



It was a warm winter for 2017, buildings were still sweating from all the humidity. Jude wakes up from a sleep-like comma-- to a reality in of an unknown-state. It was carnival-time in New Orleans-- but everything stood still. The floats weren't moving, and no people in sight. Like a scene out of a graphic-novel-- but no characters! Purple, green, and gold glistered in the bright sunshine, and then faded away under a cloud. Jude stubble's down the narrow-streets, that start to widen' heading southbound. Winding in and out of shops and taverns-- he realizes that no one is around. Beers still cold in their mugs, but it is as if folks simple vanished... The confused man then heads on into a book-store, and discovers a rack of novels-- the title: BACCHUS BOOK OF HORRORS. Suddenly, the young guy starts throwing stuff in frustration. He blacks-out, awakening to a team of soldiers huddled over him. In fact, it was a pilots-mansion -- and the military was conducting hallucinator...


3D printing is taking over industries across the globe-- construction, automotive, medical, art, etc.. The technology is incredible-- if you can dream it, the machines can build it. The days of intense labor are over-- robots can do the same work faster and better than their human counterparts. The possibilities are endless, imagine one day bio-engineering people-- making pregnancy obsolete. Of course, there are a lot of ethical-concerns involved-- but change is inevitable.  


One of the ten commandments states: Thou shall not commit adultery. It was written in stone, to get the message across to the masses-- the law of the land for centuries, now. Unfortunately, we probably all know someone who has violated this sacred-rule. Not only is it wrong-- but a grave sin, as well. If you decide to get married, then you are forbidden to have intercourse outside that relationship. Purity is objected here, sleeping-around with multiple-partners-- diminishes the sacrament of matrimony. American-culture seems to turn a blind-eye to cheating, like it's acceptable under some circumstances-- on the contrary. It will corrupt the soul, and punishable by a lifetime in HELL.


Could your t.v. be smarter than you? Does it know what you want, before you want it? The new era of televisions-- has set the stage for ingenuity. A machine that can think for you, just press a few buttons-- and watch it go. Multiple platforms: email, internet, cable, etc.-- all rolled into one unit. These monitors could be programmed to do more in the future-- cook food, flush the toilet, clean, pick an outfit out, fold cloths, babysit-- making the house-wife a thing of the past... 


It's Ash Wednesday, and Lent has officially begun. If you are of the Catholic faith-- time to make some changes in life. Giving up something enjoyable for 40 days, may seem like a punishment-- but it is an attempt to make you a better person. Mind over matter, not letting temptation control you-- is the moral of this holy-exercise. Personally, taking a vow of silence-- is a good fit for me; there is so much chatter in this world-- going six weeks without saying a word, will help strengthen the mental capacity. If you have a nagging-wife who isn't Christian-- try using duct-tape. GOD BLESS.