AQUARIUS Go to school to be taught a skill. Knowledge is something that you are lacking. Create a study group and learn from others. ARIES Do something adventurous or daring today. Test the limits of the body, to determine your breaking point. Being aggressive is frowned apon, a gentle manner will get you farther in this world. CAPRICORN Focus on your job. Work is what defines you, and can teach you hard lessons in life. GEMINI Dig deep in the soul and create a message for the world to enjoy. Maybe a quote, a poem, a story, etc. Be creative in your writings. LEO Show up to an outdoor event, that has to do with physical activity. Enjoy the sun and natural surroundings. LIBRA Go to a place of merryment and practice bringing justice to the surroundings. If it becomes a hostile area-- show calmness. PISCES Do something on the water. Maybe swim or boat on a pond, lake, or beach. SAGITTARIUS Focus on spiritual enlightenment. You have a short temper,...